Wednesday, March 29, 2017


Four beautiful words, from my medical chart, yesterday.  I didn't realize how much I had been holding my breath for the last week until my doctor shared the chart entry with me.  I went to see my pulmonologist and told him I had had an asthma attack, probably due to the stress, over the weekend. The lab had not called me.  He told me the results were in and asked if I wanted to know them.  I almost screamed, but I am sure I whispered "yes"  He showed me my records.   My own doctor was off yesterday, which probably accounts for me not getting the GOOD NEWS from her; heck I don't even know if she knows what's been going on it happened that fast.  I expect to hear today.  I know I will need a followup mammo in six months but the relief is just hitting me.

This is the reason I get a mammo done every year.  AS I noted, the first time was really early detection and I am grateful.  I have a dandy scar on my left breast to remind me that I won and cancer lost.  There's a song that says "Scars are souvenirs you never lose"  When I first got the scar, I was embarrassed for it to be seen, but now I consider it a badge of honor.  During this time of waiting, I was thinking of all the people who went through and are going through this now.  I am truly blessed with a large community of friends whose love and support meant and MEAN a lot to me.  May I return the love and support, should it ever be needed.

It's somehow appropriate that seven years ago today, we lost our Dad to cancer.  I love you, Dad and miss you every day.  Hoist one in Heaven to celebrate this good news today.  Hope the beer is better than Budweiser!

1 comment:

  1. I am so happy for you - many congratulations.
    Perhaps I need to drag my sorry fat butt out of bed THREE Sundays in a row, and offer thanksgiving?
    Can't hurt! Seriously, SO HAPPY!


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