Sunday, March 12, 2017

Women's clothes

Why, pray tell, are there NO standard sizes to women's clothing?  A friend who asks random questions on her website as part of her giveaways asked "what size shoe do you wear?  had to say, in all honestly "from a 7 to an 8 depending on the makers"  Weird, huh?  I was in the store the other day, buying a new pair of jeans for this trip, as all my others look like they went a few rounds with moths.  Now I KNOW a lot of manufacturers actually deign jeans so they are "distressed" but mine are in full panic mode.  I needed a new pair, so I grabbed tow size 14 ( yes 14, I'm voluptuous, deal with it)  One pair fit just fine, but I really liked the color of the other so I tried to get into them.  TRIED is the operative word in THAT sentence.  They fit, barely, and made me look like a sausage tied in the middle. Different brands.  Is it any wonder that women are conflicted?  I think they should have standard sizing.  PLEASE don't think that calling a size 14 a size 0 is a good idea that will help me with my low self esteem.  The clothing industry is contributing to it by NOT making things the same everywhere.  If I am a size 14 and can't get into a size 14 in some clothing, that pisses me off , but other women may question their body shape if they didn't understand the clothing industry is not making everything the same all over.  I've been told it is because a lot of our clothing is made in Asian markets and that Asian women are different than Western women,  Bullshit.  If you are making something for the American market there should be a standard size.  I hate going back to the rack to get a larger size, so if the size fits me in one piece, but not another, guess which one I am going to buy?


  1. Move on over, you voluptuous firebrand, you! Same with men's. In fact, there have been times I have bought the same size int he same brand at the same time, and one may fit, maybe two if I am lucky, but not all. Why?
    Someone once wrote that the better quality a garment is, the truer it is to size. Well, I can understand that something of better quality is better made (duh) but sizing? As Gilbert and Sullivan once wrote - "It is a paradox."
    MY question, to open a whole new can of (dietetic) worms is - I have been really good on all my Lenten dietary resolutions. WHY are the pounds not melting away? I may convert.

  2. Garments are not cut one piece at a time. The fabric is stacked and then cut, which means pieces on the top will vary in size from pieces on the bottom. Also, designers add and subtract different design elements each season which can affect each garment. Sizing is just something the industry made up, don't get hung up on the numbers :-)


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