Friday, March 31, 2017

What's going on- so far

Stop reading right now if you are one of the people who complained that my blogs and my FB page are getting a bit, shall we say.. DARK?    I am moving toward sunlight, but the journey is  still a bit dark.

Yesterday, I met with the surgeon who will remove the possible pre-cancerous "somethings" from my right breast.  The possibility of them turning cancerous is more likely than not, so we are taking out the lumps as soon as we can get it scheduled. I will NOT be making any plans that cannot be canceled at a moment's notice.  They say they will give me two days.   I have to stop taking certain supplements and not take other things at all.

I am ready.

My surgeon is a young woman.  I probably have shoes older than her, but I got an immediate sense of her skills and her humor and I trust that she will take good care of me.  It's important to feel that way, don't you think?  She was more informative than the last surgeon, who I am fairly sure was the Undead.  He had NO bedside manner, although he was a good surgeon.  He neglected to tell me ALL that would happen.  She laid out the steps and we laughed a bit about how they need to put a Styrofoam cup over the guide-wire they will insert prior to the actual surgery.  She told me that she HOPES not to find anything and that nothing has spread to my lymph nodes.  We are doing the minimum right now as it looks like it's NOT cancer- YET. I am going into this with a positive outlook for a quick removal and NOTHING ELSE.

Still , cancer ain't no joke and I will repeat EARLY DETECTION is the key to a great survival rate.   I have wonderful friends who care and a husband who will not leave my side during this whole procedure.  I think recovery will be a few days and I am planning on reading and sleeping , A LOT. Hell of a way to get a vacation!  If you have any books you are recommending, fire away!


  1. I have not met your doctor, but I like her anyway!
    I was going to say, oh, good, you need to take some down time, but as you said, a hell of a way to get a vacation!
    Good luck!

  2. and my grandson,and my children, who love me in their own way from afar


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