Friday, March 24, 2017

The White Tiger

There is a story about Lenin, I think, who in conversation with his little brother, challenged him NOT to think about the white tiger.  When he asked his brother a few minutes later what he was thinking of he blurted out "the White Tiger"

I had the biopsy yesterday.  I have a good chance that it is NOT cancer- in my mind anyway and stats are at about 80%  that it is not, so I am feeling stronger about this- but I won't know ANYTHING until next Wednesday, so until then I will try NOT to think about my "white Tiger"  I am a "planner", but I am trying NOT to think about the next move until I have more information and the expert advice of the medical staff.   Cancer gallops in my family, but given early detection, if it IS cancer, I have a 100% chance of recovery.

Look at me, quoting statistics!

I want to say I had first rate care yesterday and after an initial problem with not enough lidocaine, which caused me to utter my favorite swear word, all went well.  I want to thank Cathy and Cindy for being there all the way.  Cathy held my hand tight when the needles went in.  I don't like needles, which is why I don't have tattoos, among other things.  Thought about it, realized they hit you with a needle for several hours so.. naw...  I am sore in the spot of the incision, but recovering. Today I have two more, unrelated appointments.  I am not at work today because I would have had to leave around ten to get to them and frankly I am still a bit edgy about driving long distances.  I'll be better tomorrow.

My weekend is filled with things to do, an "Angel Circle" class this evening which will certainly help.  The community of friends I have there is soothing and I know I will feel better after being with them.  Looking forward to seeing Ronny and Michael at their wine tasting event. Sunday. Their love and good humor is just the tonic I will need- oh and more WINE, like I need it!

I will try to do some writing, some reading and just relax for a change.  I am reading a book of short stories, based on the paintings of  Edward Hooper called "In Sunlight or Shadow"    Some of the stories are quite good, others may take a re-read.  I am studying the craft of short-story writing.  Maybe I should give it a try and take an online class. I need to work my writing muscle more. It's a bit flabby.


  1. You are so much more intellectual than I am - as soon as I read the words "White Tiger," I thought you were going to be writing about a jaunt to Vegas and seeing Siegfried and Roy. OK, Robyn Dear, a challenge, try not to think about them now!
    I am still keeping yo in my prayers, and will actually haul my ass out of bed on Sunday (two Sundays in a row!) and go to church and put you on the prayer list. You are, at least outwardly, handling this much better than I think I would - I certainly admire you!

  2. At exactly 10:50 this morning, you should have felt SOMETHING, because at that moment, your name was spoken aloud (by me) loud during the service, and I had the entire congregation praying for you! AND, as it happens, it was an exceptionally fine turn out this morning, so WOW!
    Although, that may have been because of either all the little ones singing this morning, or the tomato talk and plant sale after.......


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