Thursday, March 23, 2017

I may have spoken too soon

On Monday, I had a mammo, and the tech gave me a hug and said "I'll see you next year"  I went home and Tuesday morning wrote a blog about it, reminding everyone to GET THE BOOBIES CHECKED. On Tuesday afternoon, I got a call from radiology.  Apparently, they found "Something" and I needed to come in.  They did a lot of manipulation and indeed there are about four small "somethings" hanging out in the lower part of my right breast.  The doctor explained that this configuration was "Suspicious" ( I could not help but envision hoodlum wiseguys hanging out and plotting to become cancer)

The biopsy is this morning at 9:15.

Now I KNOW I have a 50/50 shot at this being either calcification, no malignancy, or cancer in the early stages and either way the odds, as they say, are ever in my favor.  I will NOT say I am not terrified, that I am not sitting here holding back tears.  I'm really not that brave.  I AM resolute.  I will have excellent care today.  My husband will not leave my side.  I have the love and support of wonderful friends and my angels will surround me and keep me calm during all of this.

Whatever happens, some good will come of this.  If you have NOT had your checkup, please schedule yourself as soon as you can.  Do it for me.  Do it for yourself.  Do it for those who love you and need you.

I love you all.   Think good thoughts   I will post what I hope is good news the moment I have it, sometime next week.

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