I woke up early, despite being on vacation. My brain had "turned on" and there was no quieting it back to sleep, although I was warm and cozy in bed. I kept thinking, of all things, about Richard the Third. I cracked up at the meme crowning him the "Hide and Seek Champion of all time" Well done, man! What I know about him, or thought I knew, came from Shakespeare "Now is the Winter of our discontent made glorious summer by this son of York." Turns out, it appears he was the victim of a vicious smear campaign by the Tudors, who sought to demonize him to legitimize their claim to the throne. The claim that he killed his wife and his nephews, for instance is now cast in doubt. I have a degree in Lit, but my minor is in History. I always remind myself that the winners write the history books, and that I should look at things with an eye to that truth. Richard set up a number of things to benefit his people, including a court where the poor could have their grievances heard. He also lifted a ban on printing books. I wonder how much we look at him with a modern day eye and cannot fathom what the society was like back then. Rules were certainly different and there seemed to be a lot of "off with her head" behavior going on. I have seen news reports about a "State Funeral" for his remains. Over the top? Perhaps. You have to wonder how his remains stayed hidden all those years. He was buried hastily after the battle, probably to hide him. That worked out well, didn't it?
Thirty years ago today, I started working FULL TIME for the City of LA, at Rent Stabilization. I was a clerk. It was a good job and I learned a lot about the City family there. I had been working for the Library Department, but I had a supervisor who did not like me- at ALL - and she would not help me to get promoted. I think she did me a favor in a round-about way. If I had stayed, my plan was to go to Library School and become a Librarian. Working with her changed my mind about trying to do that. My career path became different. I became a Management Analyst and came back to the Library to work as a Facilities Manager. The job is well suited to my personality and even though it sometimes drives me crazy, it is satisfying in a lot of way professionally. I can actually see the results of the work I am doing. I get to work with nice people. I get to help keep the doors open ( sometimes literally!) Thirty is a magic number, because in theory, I could retire this Summer, when I hit the other magic number , fifty-five. I don't think THAT is going to happen for a variety of reasons. It IS nice to know that it IS possible though.
I am looking forward to the adventure Chris and I have planned for today. I had better get moving if it's going to happen.
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