Sunday, March 31, 2013

Happy Easter

Today is Easter and if you celebrate it HAPPY EASTER!   I identify as Christian, but for me Easter is not something I go all out for.  Not since my daughter was little and we would color eggs and I would sneak a large stuffed bunny into her bed so she would see it when she woke up.  She had QUITE a collection of bunnies.  This memory got me to thinking about Easter itself.  The holiday has become more about chocolate bunnies and marshmallow Peeps than about the core of Christianity and I wonder why.  That Christ died and rose again is the main tenet of our faith.  I think the bunnies and eggs came as Christianity sought to bring the Pagans into the fold by co-opting some of their traditions as it occurs around the Vernal equinox.  So we celebrate the rebirth of the earth along with the resurrection of Christ.  It's a hard concept to grasp if you really think about it, so much of faith is just that. I don't mock others faith or lack thereof.  I think it would be a better world if we tried to let people believe what they believe as long as it does not hurt anyone in the process.  You can believe that I am going to Hell if I don't follow your exact religious beliefs if you care to.  I probably won't change what I believe no matter what you threaten me with.  I used to say if Heaven is only filled with people who believe in one way, than I don't want to go there.

So hide those colored eggs, but remember to count all that you find.  There is nothing worse than finding a lost Easter egg a week later.

Friday, March 29, 2013

Leader of the Band

Last evening, after much changing of dates, we had dinner with some friends, my longtime coworker and his bride (this was a long delayed celebration of that happy event)  I made my (now famous) lasagna cupcakes and baked a fresh apple/raisin pie.  As is my custom when I am cooking I was listening to Pandora ( the James Taylor station, I love me some JT!)  As I was sliding the pie into the oven, the Dan Fogelberg song "Leader of the Band" came on.  The song is essentially about his relationship with his father as Dan chose to be a musician like his father and the legacy that his father gave him.  I sat down and sobbed.  Today marks the third anniversary of my father's death.  I try not to think about it as death Per Se, but the anniversary of his going to join my mother; something he dearly wished to do.  His faith that they would be together again sustained him.  He loved her and missed her all the days they were apart.  I know they are together, but I can't help but miss him.

The song got me thinking about how I learned to cook mostly from my father and I think I inherited some of his skills.  I am fierce in the kitchen and I love to create meals and new dishes.  It is , in the words of the song "the gift I never can repay."  Sometimes when I am cooking I hear him in my head, telling me some kind of shortcut  or  little trick.  I go on instinct a lot.  I like to think it's some genetic material passed on through my dad.  I don't know, but cooking connected us. I know he taught my daughter, Kate, some of his tricks as well.  I have his recipe for soft pretzels, but have not had the heart to try to make them yet.  They were his own creation, not quite what you get from a pretzel cart but delicious all the same.  I need to try them and play with them; it just makes me cry to think of it right now.

I am hoping for a busy day, so I will not have time to think to much about missing my dad; otherwise it's going to be a rough day.

Sunday, March 24, 2013

Controversy that keeps me awake

A lot goes through my mind at three a.m.  Like most women my age, I suffer from insomnia and sometimes, my brain switches to the "ON" position and there is no turning it off.  So here are some of the things I ponder

Gun Control.  This is a hot button issue, and as a card carrying liberal you might find it surprising that I am against it.  I think the fact that news travels so fast and we hear more about the atrocities in the world that we want to do SOMETHING- ANYTHING to repair the damage.  The Sandy Hook killings are just a tragedy all the way around.  Why wasn't the killer getting better mental health care? Was he?  I don't know.  I do worry that we point our fingers at the gun and not at the person behind it.  I think people are crazier than ever before and some killers think they will be famous after their death for their deeds. I blame the media in some regard, as they lionize these wack jobs It's funny, I don't know the name of the kid.  I hope I never do.  I think about the innocent victims more than I think about the shooter.

Gay Marriage ( or as I like to call it "Marriage")  No surprise either that I "identify" as Christian.  I have a pretty good working relationship with my Creator.  I try to remember to be tolerant and patient, but sometimes I have to say "REALLY?"  What is it with people these days wanting to get into everyone's business?  Can someone explain to me HOW in the world another person's marriage- or lack thereof- impacts MY marriage.  The last time I looked, there were only two people in a marriage.  If we go to the "Biblical' definition, I seem to recall that up to four wives at a time were allowed.  Didn't Abraham have a few  (  I Just looked it up , it was three) and didn't it kind of tick his first wife Sarah off? But I digress...
I am hoping the Supreme Court rules in favor of Gay marriage.  It is time we stop being so narrow minded about the rights of others.  A little more than 50 years ago, interracial Marriage was forbidden in many states ( look up Mildred Loving).  We need to stop worrying so much about love and focus on changing hate.

On a related topic,  who appointed  the Mayor of New York to be  the freaking Food Police.  If I WANT to drink a big sweet syrupy soda pop on a hot day, who is HE to say I can't?  He needs to get off it.  He's becoming a joke.  He's not my mom for goodness sakes!  I want to be able to choose and if I choose something he deems unhealthy so be it.  Sure we need to educate our children about making good choices but seriously an occasional Big Gulp is not going to kill most of us.  Look at that woman who only drank unsweetened tea and it weakened her bones.  Weird.   I like Michelle Obama's approach to show us that healthy can be fun.  The Mayor of New York is just being a Grinch!

Friday, March 22, 2013

Goodbyes, Gay Marriage and Holidays

On Monday, a co-worker Charles Chapman died.  Charles was our Recycling guy.  He came every Monday to pick up all the stuff we recycle and usually had a smile or a cheerful word for us all.  He was a nice man.  He had a brain aneurism at work and died late Monday night.  He leaves behind a family who loved him, and friends who will miss him.  Life is so short.  Remember to be kind to one another.

I see the Supreme Court is getting ready to rule on Gay Marriage ( or as I call it Marriage)  Seriously?  As someone who identifies as Christian, I do NOT see what the problem is here. How does someone else's right to marriage impact ME ( except if I want to buy them a really nice present and can't afford it?)  The thing I think about as people talk about how gays are against what is in the Bible is this.  If God makes us all and God makes gays ( he's apparently been doing this for centuries) HOW are gays a mistake?  Are you, as a christian, saying God makes mistakes?  Check Second Samuel  1:26 for King David's view on loving another man.

Monday is a holiday- Cesar Chavez Day- and it couldn't come at a better time.  I know we are supposed to use that day to do good things in the community, to honor the spirit of the man who did so much to improve the lot of farm-workers  and by extension improve our quality of life.  I think I will be improving MY quality of life by sleeping in.  Yep.  I am still kind of trashed from having been sick and a day of rest will do me good!

Wednesday, March 20, 2013

Disneyland, Food and Grammar Abuse

I see where Disneyland is now changing their policy of unescorted children in the park.  Children determined to be under 14 need a parent of guardian.  I have to reluctantly agree with the, although Disneyland sometimes reminds me of a police state.  Remember back in the 60's when you couldn't have long hair and get into the park?  I remember a joke on Laugh-in about it.  Two Hippie types- the guy did not have long hair- He:  "We came all the way to California to go to Disneyland and couldn't get in because your hair is too long!"   ( She has tush length hair). I remember as a kid, my folks would hand my sister my mom's wristwatch and send us over to Tom Sawyer's island for an hour while they went to the hotel for a drink.  We were always back in time to meet our folks at the dock.  It was fun and a moment of freedom, but I can see why it wouldn't work these days.  Too many creeps out there.  I wonder if there are more creeps, or if people are so concerned with not getting involved that they ignore them?  I know MY parents would have been told if I were misbehaving, but parents these days take such a "MY kid wouldn't do that" or "Mind your own business" attitude that I can see why people are reluctant to intervene.  Still I love Disneyland, but the ticket prices are SO outrageous,it is not really a destination for me anymore.  I LOVE "Cars" and want to go to Carsland one of these days.  Maybe in the fall.

I was in my favorite burrito shop yesterday, Yuca's on Hollywood.  It's near Kaiser Sunset and as I had an appointment around 2,  I rewarded myself with lunch there.  Nothing better than a chile rellano burrito ( no rice)  I was listening to the 80's powerpop they were playing.  There is this one song that drive my little English Major heart over the edge.  I do not know the name of the song, but the singer earnestly declares in the chorus  ( over and over again) "I feel the magic between you and I"   ARGHHHHHHHHHHHH   It's you and ME, not you and I!  Here is the easiest way to tell if you should use "I" or "Me"  If you  can say "we" instead of the pronoun, then it's "I"  if you would use "us" it's "me".  Geez.  It's one of those things that drives me nuts.   I will turn off the radio when I hear that type of grammar abuse.  So many songwriters do that.  It's why I love Jackson Browne.  I think his mom was an English teacher. His grammar is perfect.

Gearing up for this Saturday's Art Fair at McGroarty Arts Center.  This year's theme is "Bite Me' all food themed artwork by local artists.  I have not yet seen the exhibit, but will be on hand in the upstairs gallery from 11-3, so stop by.  We will have food and fun, as well as a chance to pick up some fine art from up-and coming artists. A portion of it goes to support the non-profit Center, so stop by and say hello!

Friday, March 15, 2013

Stuff I am thinking about

I went to McDonald's for lunch today.  I ordered a Happy Meal. They asked me if I wanted a "girl" or a "boy" .  I always get the 'boy" toy.  The "girl toy is usually some wimpy doll with a hank of blonde hair and not much else.  The "boys' get cars and things that shoot rubber bands and cool stuff like that.  DUH ! I asked for the "boy" The counter girl  then asked my name- something they didn't used to do, but now I hear they are trying to be Starbucks so I guess that's why she did it.  The problem?  I gave her my name, which is Robyn.  I looked to see what she wrote.  Norman.  Yep  Norman.  Now I ask you, do I look like a NORMAN to you-  not Norma- N-O-R-M-A- N.  sigh.  I waited for them to call "Norman" so I could claim his lunch and was mildly disappointed when they called out "Hamburger Happy Meal" instead.  It did remind me of the time I went to a restaurant and when asked for a name I told them "Donner"   They didn't understand why we were laughing when they called out" Donner Party"

Strangest question I have had to ask all week- "How many urinals do you have in your branch"  Stranger than that was trying to explain to one of the staff what a urinal WAS  "You know, it's in the men's restroom, where they stand up?"  She had to go look.  It was quite an experience for her.  She had never BEEN in the men's room at her branch.  Can't say I blame her.  Men's rooms are usually pretty gross.  I have used them as an "any port in a storm" kind of last resort.

I have been off work and off line for a while, as I am still recovering from a cold that turned into an ear infection.  I slept for about 18 hours between Tuesday and Wednesday when I finally agreed to go to the doctor ( my ears HURT).  Taking it easy tomorrow, as Sunday is the Marathon and I need to be out there with my peeps at the water station.  This is our tenth year.  I just hope I have the strength for this!

Tuesday, March 12, 2013


We got a note from our HR department that the City received a request from the LA Times to publish our names and our salaries.  Great.  I  know that as a civil service employee, that information is public record, but to see it splashed all over the news feels like a violation.  People are going to take one look at what we earn and decide we are all over paid. So, for the fun of it, I googled a job like mine in the corporate world.  I have 27 years- just about- as a Facilities manager, managing seventy-two properties of varying ages and sizes.  I have coordinated large scale re-locations and worked on construction projects.  I have a Bachelor's Degree.  I work with upper management on large scale issues.  Ok.  THAT job in the LA Area pays ( drumroll please) $ 101,000  a year.  That is a LOT more than I am seeing in my pay envelope. I am sure the LA Times will focus on how much we are ripping off the public.  I work pretty hard for my employer, the PEOPLE of the City of Los Angeles.  It's a point of pride to me that my ( see I take ownership here) buildings are open and at the best they can be to serve the public.  The public trashes the buildings on a regular basis.  I don't think anyone would be shocked at the amount of vandalism and graffiti that goes on in a public library.  Staff and the buildings take a daily beating.  But we carry on.  Why?  Because of that one person who needs us, the one person who says "thanks for helping me" It's not the "Big" paycheck, frankly most of us could get more in the private sector.  The benefits are good, I am currently paying 5% toward my medical coverage and the City wants more.  Retirement?  I am paying 11%, the City kicks in 33% ( bet you thought it was MORE , right?) and the REST comes from investments made on my behalf by the mangers of the fund.  I don't HAVE Social Security to fall back on, and if I DID, the City would adjust my retirement to compensate for what I got there.  The myth, which I am sure will be perpetrated in the Times front page opus, that we are all lazy and overpaid, is not the case.  As in any industry, there are people who are not working as they should be, but I don't see them where I am.  Maybe they work for the Mayor. :0)

Thursday, March 7, 2013

Songs I learned as a kid

This morning I woke up with. of all things, "Waltzing Matilda" in my head.  I remember learning this song in the third grade.  That year, I had a teacher who included a lot of music as part of the curriculum.  I love music, I love to sing, although you might not want to hear me.    The thing I was thinking about Waltzing Matilda is that the lyrics are all in Aussie slang and I really didn't understand what the heck they were talking about, so I looked it up.  Remember this song is taught to nine year olds as a jolly tune to sing along.  Turns out the song is about a sheep rustler who kills himself in the pond in order to avoid capture.  Well!  That's a cheery tune, isn't is?  It got me thinking about things like that.  We played "Ring around the rosy"  which as I recall was about the black plague or something.  The "All fall down" portion was people dying, but  we never knew that as kids.  It was just ...funny.  It got me wondering what songs kids these days learn?  My "kid" is in her twenties, so I have no idea.  I wonder if the kids learn "Froggy would a- courting go" or  "Tingalayo"which was about a donkey with special talents.  I know they learn "the Wheels on the bus", because I hear it from kids.  I wonder what folks songs that we sang will be taught to kids?  I wonder if a hundred years from now, some kids will learn a Bob Dylan song of protest and not learn the context in which it was sung.

Wednesday, March 6, 2013


I am involved in a lot of volunteer things, some I would like to do more, some I am wondering how to do less.  Yesterday, I worked the polls for the local election.  As the City Employee pollworker, I was the designated "greeter" which meant I walked back and forth most of the day directing voters and answering questions.  I am not as young as I used to be and I STARTED my day in high heels- somehow I missed that I would be standing all day.  My sweet husband brought me a pair of flats, but my knees are STILL killing me.  It was a long rewarding day.  I met some very nice people, saw a bunch of my neighbors and participated in the voting process.  The raise in sales takes apparently went down to defeat, so I have no idea where that will lead in budget negotiations.  Well I DO think I know, but I don't want to ponder yet another pay cut.  Pretty soon I will be paying the City to come to work! 

I am on the Board of the McGroarty Arts Center. This Saturday night the opening of the Spring exhibit "Bite Me" in which all of the art relates somehow to food.  The Art Fair is on the closing day of the exhibit, March 23.  I will be at the opening and will be working at the fair in some capacity. I will be sending out more information on that event and posting it on my Facebook page.  It's an opportunity to support local artists and to see the Center, if you haven't! 

I am the Water Captain at the LA Marathon, which this year is on St Patrick's Day.  That too is a lot of walking around and I hope I have recovered from yesterday enough to do the work.  It's rewarding, but honestly the attitude of the organizers is getting on my nerves.  It seems like they think they are doing YOU a favor, letting you work for the LA Marathon.  It's hard work and I usually collapse when I get home from it.  I start my day at noon and am usually home around 10:30. The schedule says from 2-6  but it's really much longer than that, weather permitting.  A few years back we did this in a monsoon. No joke, it was awful.  THIS YEAR should be beautiful.  After all it's St Paddys!

There are other things I am involved in, my Union and Operation Gratitude ( which I wish I could do more often but I just don't seem to have as much time when they need help).  Hopefully I will be able to do more this year.

I am busy a lot, but it's a good feeling to know I am doing something worthwhile.  So many organizations need "boots on the ground".  I can't give them money, but I can give them time.

Sunday, March 3, 2013

Things that are on my mind.

I know I promised to be more positive in my postings, but today I feel a bit like going on a rant, so come along for the ride.. or not.

The LA marathon.  It's a huge event and this will be the tenth year my friends and I will be out at Mile 25- LATE in the day.  Working the late station means we DON'T see the Elites whiz by, we don't see the winner or the pace car or the media trucks.  What we do see is the average runner, most of whom are jogging or walking by the time they get to us.  We offer a smile, water, electrolyte replacement fluids and an encouraging word or two.  It has bee a rewarding experience.  This year, due to a trick of the calendar, the event will be held on St Patrick's Day.  THIS should be interesting.  The only thing I am ticked about is that they chose ORANGE for the t-shirts.  Yes.  Orange.  This is an insult.  The wearing of orange on the day that honor the patron saint of Ireland is considered "fighting words" in some quarters.  I realize that there are people on both sides of the ideological wall that is Ireland and her history, but of ALL the colors of the rainbow the brain trust at the Marathon chooses ... ORANGE.  Wasn't there one member of the staff who was part of the Irish Diaspora who said, "hold on there" ?   Uh, wouldn't the logical choice have been green anyway?  Sheesh.  We need to get those folks to a Celtic heritage meeting.  I will NOT be wearing any orange t-shirt.  Look for me in a customized GREEN shirt this year.

Can anyone tell me why the government, knowing a crisis is looming, doesn't do anything about it except point fingers and wring their hands.  It's like they want to punish us for the way the election turned out.  Screw up the country because you didn't get what you want.  We need to look at their behavior and vote out every single one of the idiots who sat by and let the budget go over the falls. Is this any way to run an airline?

Why, tell me why, do boys in their teens and early twenties wear their pants buckled around the bottom of their butt-cheeks and show us their underwear?  I don't want to see your undies any more than I want to see someone's bra straps, but that seems to be the fashion.  Call me a fuddy -duddy. It looks trashy; as if you couldn't be bothered with getting clothes that fit you correctly or that you have no pride in your appearance.  I know there is a whole segment of the fashion industry dedicated to looking unkempt and people pay thousands to look like Helena Bonham- Carter who always looks like she could use a good bath and a session with a hair brush.  My parents used to talk about "Long haired hippies" in the same way, I guess. 

I am looking forward to the Art Fair at the McGroarty Arts Center on March 23.  The exhibit actually opens on March 9.  There will be a reception at the Center on the 9th from 6-9.  I will be working the Art Fair in some capacity on the 23rd.  There will be food ( the exhibit is titled "Bite ME" and all the art is related in some way to food)  and  the art will be for sale.  Come out to see it.  If you aren't able to come to the fair or the Gala opening, the exhibit itself runs from the 11th through the 23rd from 10 to 6 daily ( closed Sundays)  The Center is at 7570 McGroarty Terrace  in Tujunga.  Drop me a note if you want to know more.

Saturday, March 2, 2013


Out VERY late last night, having gone to a 70mm screening of the classic film 2001 ; a Space Odyssesy' last night at LACMA with our next door neighbor.  Gary said the film changed his life; that THIS was what gave him passion for film and made him choose a career in the industry.  He was so enthusiastic, I thought it might  be cool to go see the film.  I don't think I ever really saw the whole movie ( it did come out in 1968 and I wasn't much of a SciFi person back then)  It was fun.  I still am not much of  Kubrick fan, but it was interesting on a few levels

Music and other sounds.  The use of Richard Strauss and Johan Strauss music gives the film it's iconic and much imitated style.  Quite powerful to compare the floating space stations and incoming ships to waltzing partners in space.   His use of silence was quite powerful, as was the sounds emitted from the monolith.  I had to cover my ears it was so disturbing to me.  I am sometimes a bit sensitive to noise and yesterday was one of those days.

Branding.  It was fun to notice the branding in the movie.  I wonder how much of that was done "back in the Day"  I noted the "airline" the first guy flew to the space-station on was PanAm.  There was a HoJos in the station as well as a Hilton.  The microwave was Whirlpool and the video phone?  PacBell. 

It was a long film and I had forgotten that back then they used to give viewers an intermission.  It was nice to have one, as the seats in the LACMA theater are old school and got really uncomfortable after an hour and 1/2   It was nice to be able to stand up!  The film itself is listed at 141 minutes.  You know you are in Los Angeles when everyone stays for the credits!

The classic "what are you doing Dave" sequence really got to me.  I never realized before that what he is doing mimics something I read about how they used to do lobotomies.  I read that they had the patient awake and talking, so that they knew what parts they were cutting off.  They even had the patient sing, as Dave did HAL.  It kind of freaked me out and for a brief moment I felt sorry for HAL,as he displayed human emotion and fear.  Perhaps by becoming too human, he became fallible and in making an error sealed his doom. 

The final sequence in the film is going to make me look up the story that inspired it.  I never was much of an Arthur C. Clarke fan.  I want to read the original story, not the book that came out after his collaboration with Kubrick.

It was nice to be out last night at LACMA.  It was a warm evening and it was nice to be eating and chatting the courtyard before the film.   Afterward we stopped at a terrible Denny's on Sunset, the place was crowded, loud and shabby and I think our waitress would have liked to be ANYWHERE  else on a Friday night.  She never smiled once.  A HUGE noisy party came in, effectively killing the reason wee went out for coffee, which was to discuss the film.  It was late- after midnight- when we got home.