Sunday, March 31, 2013

Happy Easter

Today is Easter and if you celebrate it HAPPY EASTER!   I identify as Christian, but for me Easter is not something I go all out for.  Not since my daughter was little and we would color eggs and I would sneak a large stuffed bunny into her bed so she would see it when she woke up.  She had QUITE a collection of bunnies.  This memory got me to thinking about Easter itself.  The holiday has become more about chocolate bunnies and marshmallow Peeps than about the core of Christianity and I wonder why.  That Christ died and rose again is the main tenet of our faith.  I think the bunnies and eggs came as Christianity sought to bring the Pagans into the fold by co-opting some of their traditions as it occurs around the Vernal equinox.  So we celebrate the rebirth of the earth along with the resurrection of Christ.  It's a hard concept to grasp if you really think about it, so much of faith is just that. I don't mock others faith or lack thereof.  I think it would be a better world if we tried to let people believe what they believe as long as it does not hurt anyone in the process.  You can believe that I am going to Hell if I don't follow your exact religious beliefs if you care to.  I probably won't change what I believe no matter what you threaten me with.  I used to say if Heaven is only filled with people who believe in one way, than I don't want to go there.

So hide those colored eggs, but remember to count all that you find.  There is nothing worse than finding a lost Easter egg a week later.

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