I went to McDonald's for lunch today. I ordered a Happy Meal. They asked me if I wanted a "girl" or a "boy" . I always get the 'boy" toy. The "girl toy is usually some wimpy doll with a hank of blonde hair and not much else. The "boys' get cars and things that shoot rubber bands and cool stuff like that. DUH ! I asked for the "boy" The counter girl then asked my name- something they didn't used to do, but now I hear they are trying to be Starbucks so I guess that's why she did it. The problem? I gave her my name, which is Robyn. I looked to see what she wrote. Norman. Yep Norman. Now I ask you, do I look like a NORMAN to you- not Norma- N-O-R-M-A- N. sigh. I waited for them to call "Norman" so I could claim his lunch and was mildly disappointed when they called out "Hamburger Happy Meal" instead. It did remind me of the time I went to a restaurant and when asked for a name I told them "Donner" They didn't understand why we were laughing when they called out" Donner Party"
Strangest question I have had to ask all week- "How many urinals do you have in your branch" Stranger than that was trying to explain to one of the staff what a urinal WAS "You know, it's in the men's restroom, where they stand up?" She had to go look. It was quite an experience for her. She had never BEEN in the men's room at her branch. Can't say I blame her. Men's rooms are usually pretty gross. I have used them as an "any port in a storm" kind of last resort.
I have been off work and off line for a while, as I am still recovering from a cold that turned into an ear infection. I slept for about 18 hours between Tuesday and Wednesday when I finally agreed to go to the doctor ( my ears HURT). Taking it easy tomorrow, as Sunday is the Marathon and I need to be out there with my peeps at the water station. This is our tenth year. I just hope I have the strength for this!
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