Wednesday, March 6, 2013


I am involved in a lot of volunteer things, some I would like to do more, some I am wondering how to do less.  Yesterday, I worked the polls for the local election.  As the City Employee pollworker, I was the designated "greeter" which meant I walked back and forth most of the day directing voters and answering questions.  I am not as young as I used to be and I STARTED my day in high heels- somehow I missed that I would be standing all day.  My sweet husband brought me a pair of flats, but my knees are STILL killing me.  It was a long rewarding day.  I met some very nice people, saw a bunch of my neighbors and participated in the voting process.  The raise in sales takes apparently went down to defeat, so I have no idea where that will lead in budget negotiations.  Well I DO think I know, but I don't want to ponder yet another pay cut.  Pretty soon I will be paying the City to come to work! 

I am on the Board of the McGroarty Arts Center. This Saturday night the opening of the Spring exhibit "Bite Me" in which all of the art relates somehow to food.  The Art Fair is on the closing day of the exhibit, March 23.  I will be at the opening and will be working at the fair in some capacity. I will be sending out more information on that event and posting it on my Facebook page.  It's an opportunity to support local artists and to see the Center, if you haven't! 

I am the Water Captain at the LA Marathon, which this year is on St Patrick's Day.  That too is a lot of walking around and I hope I have recovered from yesterday enough to do the work.  It's rewarding, but honestly the attitude of the organizers is getting on my nerves.  It seems like they think they are doing YOU a favor, letting you work for the LA Marathon.  It's hard work and I usually collapse when I get home from it.  I start my day at noon and am usually home around 10:30. The schedule says from 2-6  but it's really much longer than that, weather permitting.  A few years back we did this in a monsoon. No joke, it was awful.  THIS YEAR should be beautiful.  After all it's St Paddys!

There are other things I am involved in, my Union and Operation Gratitude ( which I wish I could do more often but I just don't seem to have as much time when they need help).  Hopefully I will be able to do more this year.

I am busy a lot, but it's a good feeling to know I am doing something worthwhile.  So many organizations need "boots on the ground".  I can't give them money, but I can give them time.

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