Wednesday, August 8, 2018


Don't tell my wine loving friends.

I like Moscato.

I know, the movement in the Wine Snob circles is that the ONLY type of wine to drink is red  Cabernet, in particular but Red, Red Red. If you MUST drink white only a Chardonnay will do.

But in the Summer, I love a cold cold glass of Moscato.  Call me a rebel.  I used to love- and still do- a nice Blanc de Blanc.  But Moscato tastes like Summer on your tongue.  None of that heavy  full body of a red. I DO like red wine when having pasta with red sauce,but this is Summer, so I am secretly ( well not so secretly now) enjoying my guilty pleasure.


Scoff if you will.  I was always more of a white wine drinker than a red. People enthuse over red wine in a way I cannot.  Funny, because every month, my Wine of the month club delivers two to three bottles of.. you guessed it... RED WINE. I wonder if there is a way to go on and change my preference?  I should look into that.  I currently have enough red wine in the cupboard to last me  until the next Ice Age.  I don't have a wine locker, I KNOW  SHAME ON ME

At Thanksgiving I LOVE the pairing of Gewurztraminer with turkey.  Something about the oak-y,yet fruity flavors are the best thing to me. Goes with ham too.

So, anyone want to come over and have a glass or two or three of the red wine?

Come early if you want the Moscato!

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