Tuesday, August 7, 2018

Music is playing in side my head Over and over and over again

ok, so the title of this post is actually a line from Carole Kin's song "Music'  The past few mornings, I have woken up with music playing in my head, "The Summer Wind" from Frank Sinatra,  "Lazy Days of Summer" by Nat King Cole ( which I think I misremember and now will have to look up the lyric) and this morning "You've got your troubles, I've got mine"  I have no idea who sang that. hang on...

The Fortunes.  Never heard of them- except for this song.

I looked up why this is happening. the theory is that you heard the song lately and it gets stuck in your head.  I don't have a clock radio, so I don't have music in the morning and with the exception of Lazy Days of Summer, which came up in a discussion in the local Italian deli this weekend.  I have NO clue why these two older songs were playing in my head when I opened my eyes.

"The Summer Wind" is wistful and maybe I am feeling nostalgic.  But "You've got your troubles"?  No clue.

I read an article about it, looking to see what I could understand about the phenomenon .The term they use is earworm, although I was hoping for a more clinical term.  Earworm makes me think of that Star Trek film where the villains put a worm in the ears of two crew members to make them talk - or control them or something I just remember the worm..  In any case, it's an unpleasant vision.  The article referenced several songs that get stuck in most people's heads  "My Bad Romance" by Lady Gaga and Don't stop Believin'" by Journey.  I can't say either has ever been rolling around my brain with no hope of an exit.  I don't want to think more about the ones that have, for  fear they will reappear and get stuck again.

The article DID offer a piece of advice on how to get a song unstuck.  Chew a piece of gum.  Now if THAT isn't ironic, I don't know what is.

I'll try it though, the next time Muskrat Love gets on a never-ending loop.

1 comment:

  1. Oh, thanks a lot, Robgyn, now I have some songs stuck in my head!

    In revenge - how about these - Kylie Minogue's "Can't get you out of my head," and what I consider the worst song EVER: Terry Jack's "We have joy, we had fun, we had seasons in the sun!"

    Oh, wait, bad Karma, now they will be stuck in MY head! Arghhhhhhhhhhhhh!



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