Friday, August 24, 2018

The Merchant of Venice

We are at the Utah Shakespeare Festival.  The venue replicates the Old Globe Theater and very nice and comfortable ( as I am fairly sure the Old Globe wasn't)

Last night, we were treated to  an amazing performance of The Merchant of Venice.  This play is lumped into Shakespeare's "comedies"  but if this is a comedy I failed to see it.  Sure, there were moments of comic relief, but what was happening on stage was certainly no laughing matter.

I understand that the play was written at the request of Essex who wanted to sway public opinion after he murdered Elizabeth's Jewish physician.  It probably worked.  Looking at it with a modern eye. I found no one to like, except the person you are supposed to loathe, Shylock.

Shylock is played to aching perfection by Lisa Wolpe. She completely embodies the anguished money-lender in every nuance.  I need to stop using the word "amazing" and move on to "bone-Chilling" and "awe-inspiring" It was every bit of that.  I found myself weeping at the conclusion of the play.

It is difficult to single out any other performers, Kyle Bullock, playing Bassanio, brings passion to the role and Betsy Mugavero  as Nerissa was delightful to watch as her role played across her expressive face.

I loved how they tied scenes together with vocalists singing musical lines. It made the transitions between the scenes smoother.

A lot of people left at intermission, and I can't help but wonder if they thought the play was over.  Either that or the subject matter was NOT the light comedy they were expecting ( read the synopsis folks!)  In any case,they missed a stellar performance of the denouement court scene.  I admit I was trying- and failing- not to cry.

This stayed with me and I will continue to mull it over in my mind over the next few weeks.  Tonight is Henry VI  a play I know NOTHING about!

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