Friday, August 3, 2018

Things I don't understand

I was in an elevator with a person with open toed BOOTS.  Boots.   Let that sink in.  I don't understand.  For me, boots are cold weather shoes, made to keep your feet snug and warm in the cold and to keep the rain off your tootsies.

It got me thinking.

As I grow older ( but no wiser, as the song says) I look at things on the internet and shake my head.  Sometimes I need a millennial to explain things, so here are some of them:

Fur fingernail covering

Eating Tide Pods

Piercing your ears so the lobes stretch like something I saw in National Geographic in the 60s

Facial tattoos


Wanting so desperately for a return to the 1950's style America that you believe the constant and inconsistent lies of a con man, who was falsely elected and continues to vilify about 3/4 of the American people.

I don't know about you, but if I were FALSELY  accused of a crime and someone were hired to investigate, I would be doing all I could to provide help  to that person to PROVE my innocence, not name calling and stonewalling.

If I didn't lie on them ( and I don't), I would  have no problem releasing my tax returns, if it is a requirement for the job ( like.. oh.. the long form of my birth certificate.)

Thinking that the color of your skin or the zeros in your bank account somehow make you a better person than the next guy.

Maybe one day I will understand all of this, but life is a journey and as my Dad used to tell me, if you stop learning, you stop growing.

Will someone please explain the fashion statement of belting your pants BELOW your butt so I see your underwear???


  1. OK, fur fingernails, low hanging pants, Trump - as the song went "Who can explain it? Who can tell you why?"
    Eating Tide pods - well, I do recall once upon a time almost eating some moth balls, because they looked like those big mint candy balls - God must have had en eye on me, because I didn't and later asked my aunt about them and she nearly had a coronary!
    I agree with you on a point - and our friend Pauline and I have discussed this, too - yes, weren't the 50's/Eisenhower administration a lovlier simpler time - for well-off white men! Women in the kitchen, or having kids - no careers - maybe a JOB until you could hook your man, Gays - in the closet and in fear of the law and their lives, Asians - out in the garden or the strawberry fields -Blacks (negroes as they were called then) cleaning the house, maybe some menial crap job - and Latinos (well, MEXICANS!) running their own restaurants, maybe some construction jobs. So, no thanks, don't want to go back there. BUT - there are people, ignorant, lazy people, who view that as a lovely time,and want Cheetoh-Head to take them back........
    No, I cannot understand.
    Lord have mercy, at least trump hasn't taken (YET!) to wearing his pants real low so we can see his skivvies! PLEASE GOD!!!!!!!

  2. P.S. I used to work with someone who had a pair of retro purple suede boots with open toes..............and she wore them in the rain! Go figure.........................


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