Friday, August 10, 2018

Thinking about surgery

Today I am going to see the surgeon.  I am ready, well sort of, to get my knees replaced. Both of them need to be done and I am looking at doing it in one fell swoop.

Here's what's going on in my head:

I am SICK SICK SICK of people who haven't HAD the surgery telling me how much this is going to hurt. It's  SURGERY.  they CUT into you   THAT EQUALS PAIN.  I get it.  What galls me is that people want to tell me something they haven't experienced and put the thought to the forefront.

I know it will hurt, but frankly it's probably not as bad as people say.

I had my gallbladder taken out about 20 years ago.  Sure that hurt but it was manageable after a day or two.  They gave me pain pills and I followed instructions and within a week was up and cooking meals.

Am I afraid of this?


Am I doing this anyway?


I want to be able to walk unassisted.

I want to dance at Bob's wedding- admittedly Bob is not quite four and I'll probably be in my 80's when he DOES get married but a goal is a goal.

I want this constant pain GONE.

I need to remind myself of two things; a line from a James Taylor song "It's ok to feel afraid, but don't let that stand in your way" and "FEAR means Face Everything and Rise"

I will have loving support as I face this journey.  I need to keep my eye on the result, not the process. I'm going to get through this just fine.


  1. You got this, it won't be that bad and the results will give you a new lease on mobility. ❤😍

  2. You are a tough babe, I have every confidence in you!
    Enjoy those pain pills!


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