Monday, August 27, 2018

Shakespeare, Utah, road trips and home.

We head for home today after  a week of travel and fun.

We had a blast at the Shakespeare Festival  IF we were to do it again, I would probably try to go to the lectures, but this vacation was more about sleep and Shakespeare than Shakespeare alone.

The Merry Wives of Windsor was pleasant enough, well acted but I really don't care for musicals where the music is inserted for no good reason. i like MUSICAL THEATER, were the music advances the plot, but Not where they just dropped in period songs to give it flavor.  They should just use it as transitional pieces, not have the entire ensemble come out from every corner to sing.   It made the play overlong.

We were delighted to spend time with our friend Lisa and have dinner with some of the other members of the Company.  It was probably one of the best times on the trip- certainly the FOOD was terrific.  A nice relaxing hour!

I seriously underestimated the cost of food and even with looking at the prices often had a sense of sticker shock when the bill arrived.  It's ok.  We gambled less than we thought we would so we SHOULD be going home with money.  The thing is  NONE of the food was WOW that's amazing- except the cheese bar at the Bellagio.  I ate too much cheese.

I like the people at Bally's best.  They are super friendly and helpful.  The original bellman was an 81 year old man who was in better shape than most 50 year olds.  He was quite funny as well, and he said he used to drive for Mayor Yorty, he laughed when I remembered the nickname "Traveling Sam'

We are off to eat at a buffet, gamble a bit and then head for home.  Work tomorrow.  I kind of wish we had one more day, but I am sure I have a ton of emails waiting for me.  Sigh.

It's been a wonderful trip.

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