Thursday, August 29, 2013

Late night ( for me) posting.

I realize it's been a week since I posted anything.  I've been super busy, doing something close to nothing, as the song goes.  But things on my mind this week are:

Today is the 9th anniversary of my Mom's death.  I didn't realize it until I got to work and went to change my voicemail message ( something I got into the habit of doing every day when I was in an out of my office a lot)  If you hear today's message, I think you can hear me breaking up a bit.  It didn't help that I haven't had a good night's sleep in about two weeks ( new meds, I suspect and I am going to give them one more week to kick in before I call my doctor- again- to talk about dosage.)  But today, I sat at my desk and sobbed.  Going through some changes and I really wish she were here to bounce stuff off of.  My mom died of Alzheimer's.  I know she would not have wanted to continue to live that way, but letting go was not easy.  I am glad she is not in that condition any more, but I do miss her.  My daughter got married recently and she carried the engagement photo of my parents in her bag.  She had wanted my father to walk her down the aisle, so that was the best we could do.  I  also wish my mother had met my husband; I am sure she would have loved him!

This week marks 50 years since MLK's "I have a Dream" speech.  The part of the speech that resonates most is when he talks about judging people by the content of their character, not the color of their skin.  I wonder if people realize that it goes both ways.  I am personally tired of those people who look at my white skin and make a false judgement about who I am and what I believe, simply because of the color of MY skin.  I am tired of people trying to make me feel guilty for deeds done by people who share my ethnic background .  I cannot be responsible for what happened that I had nothing to do with, but somehow, people seem to hold us responsible for historic misdeeds.  I can only be responsible for my behavior and how I act to make change happen in my community and in the world.  We have come a long way down the road to civil rights, but we must recognize that we are by no means finished with the journey.

Thursday, August 22, 2013


I have given up taking the subway.  I know, I know driving is not environmentally friendly and all of that BUT I took a hard look at a few key factors.  It is one mile LESS to the train station than it is to work.  It was taking me an hour and a half to get home at night.   I was coming home around 7 pm, too late for dinner, surely but I was eating and going to bed about an hour later.  Not good, not good at all.  It just stopped making sense to do that.  There IS a commuter bus from up here, but I hate it.  It stresses me out to try to make the bus every evening.  So, I am back in my car.  I have noticed that people drive like they are the only ones on the road, or that they feel they are entitled to be rude.  Yesterday, a cab tried to bypass a long line of cars turning right and cut in front of me. Now, call me a "B", but I was having NONE of it and wouldn't let him in.  He wasn't doing anything like waving a request or even trying to make eye contact.  Nope.  He was just moving over into the lane ; I don't think he even had his SIGNAL on.  So it was a no-go for me and he got in behind me.  He THEN proceeded to try and cow me by driving erratically , first behind me, then alongside me.  My car is bigger, thank you very much and it didn't freak me out.  THEN he zoomed around me and cut off a bunch of other cars by making a right turn from the middle lane.  Nice.  Too bad I couldn't catch him.  I would have placed a call to his company.  They need to know, for their insurance, if their drivers are diving like morons.  I like to think he was late for an accident, and was glad I wasn't involved. 

People these days seem to be ME ME ME much more than they used to be.  I was doing laundry on Saturday and when I went into our laundry room, my newish neighbor was there. I told him I only had one load and he proceeded to use BOTH machines, saying he had a LOT of laundry to do.  I plunked my basket down in the room, the traditional "holding the next machine" placement, but I thought to myself," when a neighbor comes in the room, if I have not started on both machines, I SHARE one."  I was taught to share.  I wonder if we raised a generation that thinks only of themselves.  I taught my "only" to share; something siblings will do, but since she didn't have any I did it this way.  I would ask for a bite of what she had, when she said no I grabbed it away. Only did that once, she knew to share, probably because I shared with her.  She got it. It used to drive me batty, how games were never won or lost- everyone won and everyone got a prize.  Did we not teach our children that in life you don't always get what you want?  Winning and losing is part of it, it is how you share your victory or your defeat that makes your character. Gracious winners and losers are becoming a rarity. There is no "I" in team, they say, but there is ME!  In teaching our children that they are worthwhile and that they matter, did we forget to include that other people matter as well?

Tuesday, August 20, 2013

Tribute bands and "Which One's Pink" Roxy August 19

I had heard of this band , first from a friend who raved about them.  Now I have to admit this ( don't shoot me) I am NOT a real big Pink Floyd fan.  Maybe because some of the music on Dark Side of the Moon makes me, well, edgy.  But they are one of the bands my husband truly loves, so when we got the opportunity to see "Which One's Pink" at the Roxy last night, I said "sure, why not?"

The funny part of this is that I know one of the members.  Back in the day, bass player Scott Richards was in the band Manakin; a band I worked for and hung out with.  I always liked Scott, so it would be a bonus to me to see an old friend performing as well. 

This was going to be a live broadcast and the place was packed with fans.  This band SELLS OUT houses, so it was a no-brainier that giving away tickets would pack the house.  Chris and his boss, Ellen, got there before me and scored a place in line that was about twenty people from the front door.  We scooted in and I half dragged Ellen over to what used to be the service bar area, so we could see above the crowd ( Ellen is even more "petite" than me!) and we could lean on the bar ( yeah, my stupid toe is still bothering me and the thought of standing for two hours did not make me all warm and fuzzy.)  It worked out well.  We ordered drinks and some food; NEVER order food there, BTW, the "grilled cheese" were cold and not all that tasty, I wolfed down a half a sandwich and gave the other half to Chris, as this qualified for my "dinner"  They also ONLY had Jamison's, no Bushmill's :(  Oh well.

The band came on to the cheers of the crowd.  The host of the program had been instructing the crowd, but her voice was so squeaky and muffled where we were she could have been telling us how to dance the Watusi  for all I knew.  I love how the Roxy starts with the curtain down and raises it, rather theatrically, when the band is in place.  It was a real treat to watch good musicians  having FUN while playing; most of the band was smiling ear-to-ear at some point.  The place was packed and the crowd roared and sang along to every song. I thought it was funny that the American crowd sung the chorus to "The Wall" in a decidedly British accent!  They did all the songs you would expect, including my favorite "Wish you were here"  I love the lyrics of that song.  It always makes me think. 

I don't really like crowds.  Being short in stature, people tend to think they can push me around.  I have a very aggressive stance that I have developed over the years and it usually works well for me.  Some Bozo decided to stand almost on top of Ellen.  She was able to get him to move, I was glaring at him as he tried to give her some lip. Otherwise, my "getting big" technique seemed to work and we had a nice vantage point to see the band and to get out of the club quickly after the show.  The Service bar is right by the back door. 

While I was watching the show, I ruminated on the popularity of "Tribute Bands"  ( should I make a crack that I think the current lineup of "Journey" IS a tribute band?) I thought about it.  I suppose seeing GOOD musicians playing GOOD music, familiar music is the draw.  You will never be able to see some of these bands and hear the music is such an intimate setting.  I have enjoyed other "tribute" bands like Dread Zeppelin and Metalachi, both of whom put on a lively, if irreverent "tribute"  It's a treat to watch good player play.  I even enjoy some cover bands , an old friend plays in a band called "the Retreads" which just seems like a group of guys playing music they love, a "tribute" band of sorts.  I always have fun when I go out to see them as well.

The night was over early enough for me to get home and NOT be a total Zombie today.  I am getting too old to go out and stay up all night and try to go to work the next day.

Sunday, August 18, 2013


I am an unabashed fan of the band America.  I have been since 1972, when I first heard "Horse with no name" ( or as fans call it HWNN)  I was thirteen, or thereabouts and I fell in love with this band.  What thirteen year old girl wouldn't have?  Three really cute guys who played guitars and sang?  Heck yeah.  As I grew up and away from the puppy-dog phase of my musical tastes, my love for America grew into an appreciation of the music.  I have always been a sucker for close harmony and lyrics that make you think.  Now admittedly, some of Dewey Bunnells lyrics make me scratch my head and say "what the heck does THAT mean?  but as usual, I digress.  I have stayed a fan all these years, admittedly they lost me in the 80's with the unfortunate foray into techno pop that left me cold.  It was a guy playing an America song in the subway that led me back to discover the music all over again, this time via the fanbase on the internet.  There I found like minded souls whose love for the band formed a community of caring.  We supported each other through some pretty trying personal crises , and laughed and celebrated triumphs, new jobs, new babies ( whom we automatically assume will be a future generation of fans)  I have found some of my dearest friends there.  Through America, I have found many wonderful musicians who started as "opening acts" and became part of my musical "family".  I cannot say how many concerts I have seen since that first one at the Dorothy Chandler Pavilion in March of 1973, but there have been quite a few. The most notable one for me was in June 2009 at the Cherry Festival in Hemet CA.  It was my then-boyfriend Christopher's first America show.  Before the show, he got down on one knee and asked me to marry him.  Of course I said yes. Could he have chosen a more perfect venue to propose? 

I have a signed "Harbor" poster on my wall. Sometimes one of my husband's metal loving friends will make some disparaging remark, but I don't care.  One day I would like to get the REST of the guys to sign it, if I remember to take it with me to a show, I hope they will. This music has been the "soundtrack" of my life. It makes me laugh, it makes me cry, it soothes me, it energizes me.  They are currently holding a "contest" to get tickets to a show in Colorado.  "Are you America's biggest fan?"  I don't think I am their biggest fan, and I think there are people who have not had the chance to see them who will be entering this contest ( if I read some of the comments people are making on their fanpage correctly); but the contest gave me a reason to write this long overdue love-letter/thank you note to a band whose music has meant so much to me.  It will continue to be part of my life.

Saturday, August 17, 2013

Herman Melville?

I see that LAPL has decided to focus a "One City one book" type of blitz on the Classic tale of a megalomaniac and a large white whale.   I will NOT be participating in the event. Why? you ask.  Simple.  For me, Moby Dick is a soporific.  Yep.  Many nights, when insomnia is my closest companion, I pad downstairs to the couch clutching a copy of Melville's magnum opus.  I get to about "Call me Ishmael.  Several years ago, never mind how many"  and I am off in dreamland   ZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZ.  Seriously.  I call it "the Moby Dick cure" .  I had to laugh, I cannot recall the name of the book, but another author mentioned in a novel I was reading that the book had the same effect.  I liked the film with Richard Basehardt and Gregory Peck.  The month-long exploration of the novel and it's impact and relationship to  Los Angeles should be fun.  To me the thing MOST Moby I see is on almost every street corner in LA.  A tribute, if you will, to a minor character in the book.  The first mate of the Pequod named ( wait for it)  STARBUCK!

Wednesday, August 14, 2013

Stress and stressors

So, Kaiser is sending me to classes to identify and relieve some of my stress.  The classes begin with a "relaxation" exercise, designed to help you, well, relax.  WHY am I always super stressed at the end of the exercise?  Because the instructor/therapist always starts out with  "Put your feet flat on the floor and your back against the seat back."  Pick ONE, I can't do both!  Either my feet are on the floor and I am perched at the edge of the chair, or my back is against the seat-back and my feet are about a foot off the floor.  Stupid non-adjustable chairs.  NOT EVERYONE is "average" height 5'5"  or above.  I prefer to think I am petite, not in breadth, but certainly in height.  Then he guides you through the tensing of your muscles and you should "feel the relaxation"  Mostly I am feeling Charley-horses.  I suppose I am doing it wrong.  All my fellow attendees look beatific and relaxed, I just feel vaguely miffed, which is NOT the point of this class.  I am getting good advice on how to identify stressors and how to cope, like...

I started getting a lot of old flags in the delivery at work.  Not a big deal, as it's part of my job, what WAS confusing me was that my name was misspelled on EACH package.  Now one person misspelling "Myers" I can understand, maybe even TWO, but the last SIX packages had it wrong.  I am NOT new to the department, people should know how to spell my name by now.  I tracked down the memo that was sent, instructing people where to send the former flags.  You guessed it.  My name was misspelled .  Not just my last name, but my first name as well.   Sigh.  I sent out a gentle correcting memo.

I also asked people to send me one or two photos of their landscaping to have on hand for a meeting to discuss landscaping issues.  Mind you, I have SEVENTY-TWO buildings under my care.  I figured most people would send between two and six.   NOPE,  some people sent as many as twenty and one champion sent me a whopping thirty four pictures; and this branch isn't one of my larger ones!  Do you see why I am doing the nine-minute tai chi in my cube several times a day? 

Tuesday, August 13, 2013

"Let's get together soon"

I find myself saying that to people I see online an awful lot.  It never happens.  Not because we don't mean to, that we don't miss each other and need to catch up.  It's just that time gets away from us.  I have a friend on whose page I comment frequently, who lives locally and who has YET to meet my husband of almost four years.   THIS has got to change.  I am thinking about getting everyone together for a huge "let's  get together soon" celebration in the park.  Here's how it would work;  we pick a place- say Griffith Park, pick a date and invite everyone on your FB page you have said "let's get together soon" or "I miss you" to in the last six months.  Everyone brings something to share.  Friends of friends of friends.... you see how it might play out.  What do you think.  It might start a trend.


Monday, August 12, 2013

Catching up

Random stuff I haven't talked about.

I have been so busy lately it's hard to sit down and gather my thoughts.  Really that's what this blog is about for me, boring or amusing my friends with whatever might be going on in my brain today, while exercising my writing muscles.  Thanks for reading and , hopefully only laughing when I am TRYING to be funny.

I spent Friday morning in Council with my colleagues from the Board of the McGroarty Arts Center.  It was our newly-minted Councilman's very first presentation and it was neat to be there with people from the Sunland Tujunga Arts Community.  I think he was a bit nervous, but he made a nice presentation.  Our former Councilman said some nice things about us too, and made a point to shake all our hands as we were escorted out to the Press Room.  You know that room that the Mayor is always making presentations from that has a" vista"of the City behind him?  It's a mural.  Yep.  Lol.

Saturday, I went up to McGroarty to meet with a few people about the facility and the grounds.  The former ED kept a lot to herself and if I am staying on ( and I plan to) as Facilities chair, I needed to know the state of the place and where we might be heading.  It was a nice meeting and I think we got a lot of misconceptions cleared up so we can move forward.  It's going to be an interesting time there, the next few years if all goes as planned.

We went to the Bolton Hall Centennial celebration.  I asked my husband if he liked living in a small town.  The celebration reminded me the S-T thinks of itself as a small town in a larger town.   Everyone knows everyone and I greeted a number of folks I knew there.  I have lived here about nine years now.  Time flies!

Chris' band, Ayin Aleph had their first show last night at the Whisky.  It was quite well attended and by all accounts a success.  People seemed to want more when the show ended.  What's the old show-biz adage "Always leave them wanting more"?   The band did about five songs.  Nice set.  The music is interesting a mix of baroque and metal, heavy and quite "dark"  They are playing somewhere in Pomona on Wednesday, but it's a "school night" for me so I am not going.  It's going to be hard enough to get through today on five hours sleep - Coffee, you magic elixir, do your stuff!

Thursday, August 8, 2013

Where the heck is Tujunga?

I live in Tujunga, about 20 miles North of downtown Los Angels at the foot of the Angeles National Forrest.  To some people it's the back end of nowhere but I like it up here.    Rumor has it, Tujunga is a Tongva word, meaning "we will return"  If that's true, it must be because this is the place where they spent the hot summers and upon leaving it, needed to reassure each other they would come back here.  It can be a beautiful , peaceful place; especially up in the mountains where the Angeles National Forrest begins.  I moved up here after my first marriage broke up.  It was healing to be here.

Tujunga is far enough away from the City to be considered Rural.  We see wildlife, like deer and racoons and squirrels- LOTS OF SQUIRRELS ( more on that in a bit)  We are only about 20 minutes from Hollywood or Downtown LA, so nightlife is close.  That's a good thing, because they practically roll up the sidewalks here after 9 pm.  and good eateries?  Forget about it. I did join a Facebook page called "Food in the Foothills' hoping that someone would mention a place I had not tried, maybe rave about it.  I have high hopes for the Backdoor Bakery, which is in a new location, that they can expand their menu and be a real cafe.  I like the baked good I have had ,but the menu is still fairly limited.

There are two local "throw-away" papers up here.  One tries it's best to be the local paper, reporting only on local goings on and local politics.   The other seems to exist to slam people the editor doesn't like.  It's a train wreck of a paper, but I read it anyway, to get a feel of what those who are discontented with everything have to say.  This particular paper, I find interesting.  When I moved up here I grabbed a copy and  saw that they had, IN ALL SERIOUSNESS, provided a recipe for Squirrel Stew.   Now I KNOW there are lots of squirrels up here in the Foothills, but I am having real trouble coming up with a scenario where I would actually prepare and EAT one of them.  There is a squirrel who lives in the tree at the end of my building.  His stalks along the wall and glares at you as you go by.  Squirrels can be bold and I always hope the little sucker will STAY on his wall and not decide to leap on me.  I don't think I have ever seen a video of "when Squirrels Attack" but I don't want to be the first to have that happen either.

Wednesday, August 7, 2013

Meetings, talking and more meetings

Been a busy week.  I have slipped back into an odd sleeping pattern where I wake upmore tired than if I hadn't slept at all.  I am going to try to do more in the way of gentle exercise and reading.  Those two things may quiet my brain and readjust my rhythms so I get a good nights rest.

It doesn't help to have been running like a headless chicken all week.  On Monday, I met with a friend with whom I had had a MAJOR falling out, to clear the air.  It went well and although I will probably feel a bit more careful around her for a while, it is good to be back on some sort of track.  Tuesday was class at Kaiser.  I love Kaiser ( NOT) I  got a letter recently that I needed fasting blood work.  I had done blood work recently but I had NOT fasted before it was done.  I looked in my on-line messages and didn't see a lab ordered.  As this has happened before, I fast, take the morning off and go in only to discover that no lab has been ordered, I emailed my doctor.  Did I mention my doctor is on maternity leave and a BUNCH of other people are covering her?  Yeah.  Special.  So I get an email back addressed to MR Myers, telling me my last blood work was in April and I wasn't due until November.  uh... I KNOW they drew blood in July ( I thought it was the 6th, turns out it was the 23rd- whatever)  I emailed them back,telling them no I am MRS. Myers ( I could also technically be MISS Myers, but that's another story),.  They emailed me back telling me my last labs were done July 23.  No mention of anything else and since I just LOVE having blood drawn I will wait until closer to the November date to go back.  By then my doctor SHOULD be back to work!

Tonight Mayor Garcetti will be addressing my Union.  I am looking forward to meeting him.  I have hope that he will be better for the City than AnVil was.  A stuffed monkey that plays cymbals might have done a better job than AnVil!  I have been thinking about Los Angeles politics.  My memory goes back to Sam Yorty ( my dad called him "Traveling Sam" he was out of town so often.)  I met Mayor Bradley when as a new Mayor he came out tho talk to a bunch of us AP kids at San Fernando.  AP was a pilot project at SFHS- despite what anyone else says, SFHS had it first.  I remember being impressed with this thoughtful gentle man who took time out to talk to a bunch of highschool kids and answer all our questions.

This is going to be a week of meetings.  McGroarty Arts Center Board and staff will be on hand on Friday when the Council announces Arts Day for the City of LA.  I have no idea WHAT that is, really and I probably should get some background on it BEFORE we go into Council on Friday. ;)

Monday, August 5, 2013

Monday came back too quickly

So, it's Monday and I am going to try not to whine.  My broken toe is still bugging me but I really need to put things in perspective here.  It's just a toe.  Sure the pain shoots up my leg when I step wrong and I can't really exercise, but it will heal ( if I LET it heal) I think I keep re-injuring it, frankly.   So many of my friends are facing so much worse and with MUCH better grace than I am taking this stupid toe.  I need to remember that.

Had a dream last night about my mom.  She kept stroking my forehead and telling me to stay home from work today.  My Mother, who would go to work no matter HOW she felt.  It is from her that I got my work ethic, the drive that keeps me plugging away.  Sometimes I really feel like I am tilting at windmills, but I keep on.  Tempting though it is, I am headed in to work today.  LOTS on my plate already- and I'm not even there yet!

I am loving the feeling of Tai Chi.  I think it will work for me, just in terms of the calming effects it has.  I can't do much ( stupid toe)  but what I can do feels right.  Who knew?

Had an odd message from a friend and I won't go into detail, but since this person avoids talking to me when they see me and now this weird message, I can only assume our friendship has moved on.  It does make me sad and I wonder what happened to make this person change so drastically so quickly.  It may be true that people come into our lives for a reason, some for a short time, some for a long time.  I need to consider that sometimes friends cannot stay close forever; that people change and their needs or their desires change and you just have to let them go.  This friendship was a nice one.  If it is truly gone, I will miss it.

Sunday, August 4, 2013

Thought for today.

I am probably going to get slammed for this, but here goes.

I was reading a discussion which touched on the fact that Trayvon Martin's parents were holding a press conference with the Association of Black Journalists and the writer posed the question about the need for such an Association.  Someone countered with an argument that since Racism needs two things to exist- one of those is power- the need for such groups will always exist.  It got me to thinking about it.  By creating a group that excludes others in your profession, aren't you saying that since you can't get a seat at the BIG  table, you are going to build your own table?  Ultimately, wouldn't it be better to KICK DOWN THE DOOR and DEMAND a seat at the table, than to go over in a corner and create a "separate but equal" space?  I am not talking about organizations based on cultural education or religion, as we need to teach our history to others so that we may, in knowing where we come from see where we are going. A friend of mine who had been in the military, who is gay, said that by creating and identifying groups by a classification, you eliminate the unity you hope to achieve.  I have to agree with that logic.  As long as we continue to identify and marginalize, we can never hope to have cohesion.

Friday, August 2, 2013

Books and other things I am thinking about while waiting for coffee

Do you think they will throw me out of the English Majors club if I admit I DO NOT ENJOY JANE AUSTEN NOVELS?  I don't.  I have tried, seriously, but Jane just makes me want to scream.  I had to read her in High School ( Pride and Prejudice)  UGH.  Again in College ( Sense and Sensibility- I think I needed Cliff notes for that one) Recently took a "which Jane Austen character are you" quiz and got Catherine Moreland from Northanger Abbey.  Tried reading that.    It's like pulling teeth.So fellow readers of good literature, what am I doing wrong here.  Any "Austenites" care to share the key to loving Jane?  I know there are whole groups of devotees and I want to know why I just can't get into Jane Austen.

I am also reading the Mortal Instrument series, in advance of the release of the film later this summer.  The book reminds me of an old Saturday Night Live skit "It's a floor wax, it's a dessert topping"  The book is all over the place, genre-wise.  It's a teen angst love story, a dystopian world although, it's set in the current world as well.  It's vampire, faerie  and werewolf lore mixed in with a new group of fantasy characters.  It's escapist fare at best, but the books take a lot of willing suspension of disbelief to make them work.

For the Record, I never read the "Twilight" series.  I tried about two pages gave up.

I am always looking for books recommendations.   When I worked in Branch Services, I was able to read the Library Journal and got a lot of great recommendations there.  In my new office, I don't see it anymore and I am constantly asking people "What are you reading"  I suppose I really need to get more into "Goodreads" to see what friends are reading.  That might help.

I checked out a cd- Tai Chi for  Beginners.  It looks like something even I , the world's least coordinated human being, might be able to do.  I need to do some form of exercise to help with a health issue .Nothing BAD, I just am resisting the need for additional meds right now.  My mom used to look at her morning "cocktail" of pills and say "If they give me any more pills, I won't need to eat"   People suggested Yoga, but I think my balance is so bad that I would fall over a lot.  Tai Chi has a lot of gentle movement to it.  I Am going to try it and see if it's a good fit.