Sunday, August 4, 2013

Thought for today.

I am probably going to get slammed for this, but here goes.

I was reading a discussion which touched on the fact that Trayvon Martin's parents were holding a press conference with the Association of Black Journalists and the writer posed the question about the need for such an Association.  Someone countered with an argument that since Racism needs two things to exist- one of those is power- the need for such groups will always exist.  It got me to thinking about it.  By creating a group that excludes others in your profession, aren't you saying that since you can't get a seat at the BIG  table, you are going to build your own table?  Ultimately, wouldn't it be better to KICK DOWN THE DOOR and DEMAND a seat at the table, than to go over in a corner and create a "separate but equal" space?  I am not talking about organizations based on cultural education or religion, as we need to teach our history to others so that we may, in knowing where we come from see where we are going. A friend of mine who had been in the military, who is gay, said that by creating and identifying groups by a classification, you eliminate the unity you hope to achieve.  I have to agree with that logic.  As long as we continue to identify and marginalize, we can never hope to have cohesion.


  1. It depends on the type of group, their mission, and how they carry it out. An exclusive group is going to create a "separate but equal" space, and that isn't a good thing. On the other hand, a group that supports and uplifts its members, that includes any who wish to join, can be a powerful tool. I guess it just depends on the circumstances.

    I can kick the door down and demand a seat at the table, and endure the ridicule, the scorn, or (with luck) the icy politeness...or I can make my own table, invite anyone to come join me, and show up the people that refused to allow me space by being better than they are. Depends on how the power and success are generated.

    Sometimes you need a group just to get a knock loud enough that it cannot be ignored.

  2. Agreed. If anyone can join, it empowers us all. Sometimes we must endure ridicule and scorn to make room at the table for others. I think of those activists who made enough noise to make change. As an "aging hippie" I take the credo of "change from within" seriously.


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