Monday, August 12, 2013

Catching up

Random stuff I haven't talked about.

I have been so busy lately it's hard to sit down and gather my thoughts.  Really that's what this blog is about for me, boring or amusing my friends with whatever might be going on in my brain today, while exercising my writing muscles.  Thanks for reading and , hopefully only laughing when I am TRYING to be funny.

I spent Friday morning in Council with my colleagues from the Board of the McGroarty Arts Center.  It was our newly-minted Councilman's very first presentation and it was neat to be there with people from the Sunland Tujunga Arts Community.  I think he was a bit nervous, but he made a nice presentation.  Our former Councilman said some nice things about us too, and made a point to shake all our hands as we were escorted out to the Press Room.  You know that room that the Mayor is always making presentations from that has a" vista"of the City behind him?  It's a mural.  Yep.  Lol.

Saturday, I went up to McGroarty to meet with a few people about the facility and the grounds.  The former ED kept a lot to herself and if I am staying on ( and I plan to) as Facilities chair, I needed to know the state of the place and where we might be heading.  It was a nice meeting and I think we got a lot of misconceptions cleared up so we can move forward.  It's going to be an interesting time there, the next few years if all goes as planned.

We went to the Bolton Hall Centennial celebration.  I asked my husband if he liked living in a small town.  The celebration reminded me the S-T thinks of itself as a small town in a larger town.   Everyone knows everyone and I greeted a number of folks I knew there.  I have lived here about nine years now.  Time flies!

Chris' band, Ayin Aleph had their first show last night at the Whisky.  It was quite well attended and by all accounts a success.  People seemed to want more when the show ended.  What's the old show-biz adage "Always leave them wanting more"?   The band did about five songs.  Nice set.  The music is interesting a mix of baroque and metal, heavy and quite "dark"  They are playing somewhere in Pomona on Wednesday, but it's a "school night" for me so I am not going.  It's going to be hard enough to get through today on five hours sleep - Coffee, you magic elixir, do your stuff!

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