Wednesday, August 7, 2013

Meetings, talking and more meetings

Been a busy week.  I have slipped back into an odd sleeping pattern where I wake upmore tired than if I hadn't slept at all.  I am going to try to do more in the way of gentle exercise and reading.  Those two things may quiet my brain and readjust my rhythms so I get a good nights rest.

It doesn't help to have been running like a headless chicken all week.  On Monday, I met with a friend with whom I had had a MAJOR falling out, to clear the air.  It went well and although I will probably feel a bit more careful around her for a while, it is good to be back on some sort of track.  Tuesday was class at Kaiser.  I love Kaiser ( NOT) I  got a letter recently that I needed fasting blood work.  I had done blood work recently but I had NOT fasted before it was done.  I looked in my on-line messages and didn't see a lab ordered.  As this has happened before, I fast, take the morning off and go in only to discover that no lab has been ordered, I emailed my doctor.  Did I mention my doctor is on maternity leave and a BUNCH of other people are covering her?  Yeah.  Special.  So I get an email back addressed to MR Myers, telling me my last blood work was in April and I wasn't due until November.  uh... I KNOW they drew blood in July ( I thought it was the 6th, turns out it was the 23rd- whatever)  I emailed them back,telling them no I am MRS. Myers ( I could also technically be MISS Myers, but that's another story),.  They emailed me back telling me my last labs were done July 23.  No mention of anything else and since I just LOVE having blood drawn I will wait until closer to the November date to go back.  By then my doctor SHOULD be back to work!

Tonight Mayor Garcetti will be addressing my Union.  I am looking forward to meeting him.  I have hope that he will be better for the City than AnVil was.  A stuffed monkey that plays cymbals might have done a better job than AnVil!  I have been thinking about Los Angeles politics.  My memory goes back to Sam Yorty ( my dad called him "Traveling Sam" he was out of town so often.)  I met Mayor Bradley when as a new Mayor he came out tho talk to a bunch of us AP kids at San Fernando.  AP was a pilot project at SFHS- despite what anyone else says, SFHS had it first.  I remember being impressed with this thoughtful gentle man who took time out to talk to a bunch of highschool kids and answer all our questions.

This is going to be a week of meetings.  McGroarty Arts Center Board and staff will be on hand on Friday when the Council announces Arts Day for the City of LA.  I have no idea WHAT that is, really and I probably should get some background on it BEFORE we go into Council on Friday. ;)

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