Thursday, August 22, 2013


I have given up taking the subway.  I know, I know driving is not environmentally friendly and all of that BUT I took a hard look at a few key factors.  It is one mile LESS to the train station than it is to work.  It was taking me an hour and a half to get home at night.   I was coming home around 7 pm, too late for dinner, surely but I was eating and going to bed about an hour later.  Not good, not good at all.  It just stopped making sense to do that.  There IS a commuter bus from up here, but I hate it.  It stresses me out to try to make the bus every evening.  So, I am back in my car.  I have noticed that people drive like they are the only ones on the road, or that they feel they are entitled to be rude.  Yesterday, a cab tried to bypass a long line of cars turning right and cut in front of me. Now, call me a "B", but I was having NONE of it and wouldn't let him in.  He wasn't doing anything like waving a request or even trying to make eye contact.  Nope.  He was just moving over into the lane ; I don't think he even had his SIGNAL on.  So it was a no-go for me and he got in behind me.  He THEN proceeded to try and cow me by driving erratically , first behind me, then alongside me.  My car is bigger, thank you very much and it didn't freak me out.  THEN he zoomed around me and cut off a bunch of other cars by making a right turn from the middle lane.  Nice.  Too bad I couldn't catch him.  I would have placed a call to his company.  They need to know, for their insurance, if their drivers are diving like morons.  I like to think he was late for an accident, and was glad I wasn't involved. 

People these days seem to be ME ME ME much more than they used to be.  I was doing laundry on Saturday and when I went into our laundry room, my newish neighbor was there. I told him I only had one load and he proceeded to use BOTH machines, saying he had a LOT of laundry to do.  I plunked my basket down in the room, the traditional "holding the next machine" placement, but I thought to myself," when a neighbor comes in the room, if I have not started on both machines, I SHARE one."  I was taught to share.  I wonder if we raised a generation that thinks only of themselves.  I taught my "only" to share; something siblings will do, but since she didn't have any I did it this way.  I would ask for a bite of what she had, when she said no I grabbed it away. Only did that once, she knew to share, probably because I shared with her.  She got it. It used to drive me batty, how games were never won or lost- everyone won and everyone got a prize.  Did we not teach our children that in life you don't always get what you want?  Winning and losing is part of it, it is how you share your victory or your defeat that makes your character. Gracious winners and losers are becoming a rarity. There is no "I" in team, they say, but there is ME!  In teaching our children that they are worthwhile and that they matter, did we forget to include that other people matter as well?

1 comment:

  1. Yep, I drive into downtown on North Broadway every day and it amazes me how many people act like they are the only ones on the road. If I saw the "Lane Closed Ahead" and moved over, I know you did. Yet you will stay in the closing lane to get as close as you can and jam everyone else up behind you. You STILL have to sit behind the line of traffic in front of you!

    My favorite is the people who want to make their personal third right turn lane from Verdugo onto Eagle Rock Boulevard. Same thing, no eye contact, no blinker, just, "Oh I'm too important to wait in that line of traffic". Not when I'm making that turn in the second lane. Yep, that's me honking at you and waving you off. If I have to wait for the people in front of me, it won't kill you either!

    I agree with you about all that no winning and losing philosophy, their feelings may not have been hurt, but is seems that they have no concept how it feels to wait their turn or watch someone else earn an accolade who deserves it and be happy for that person.


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