Tuesday, August 13, 2013

"Let's get together soon"

I find myself saying that to people I see online an awful lot.  It never happens.  Not because we don't mean to, that we don't miss each other and need to catch up.  It's just that time gets away from us.  I have a friend on whose page I comment frequently, who lives locally and who has YET to meet my husband of almost four years.   THIS has got to change.  I am thinking about getting everyone together for a huge "let's  get together soon" celebration in the park.  Here's how it would work;  we pick a place- say Griffith Park, pick a date and invite everyone on your FB page you have said "let's get together soon" or "I miss you" to in the last six months.  Everyone brings something to share.  Friends of friends of friends.... you see how it might play out.  What do you think.  It might start a trend.


1 comment:

  1. I find most of my friends are introverted bookish types who are just as happy "getting together" online--ha ha!


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