Monday, August 5, 2013

Monday came back too quickly

So, it's Monday and I am going to try not to whine.  My broken toe is still bugging me but I really need to put things in perspective here.  It's just a toe.  Sure the pain shoots up my leg when I step wrong and I can't really exercise, but it will heal ( if I LET it heal) I think I keep re-injuring it, frankly.   So many of my friends are facing so much worse and with MUCH better grace than I am taking this stupid toe.  I need to remember that.

Had a dream last night about my mom.  She kept stroking my forehead and telling me to stay home from work today.  My Mother, who would go to work no matter HOW she felt.  It is from her that I got my work ethic, the drive that keeps me plugging away.  Sometimes I really feel like I am tilting at windmills, but I keep on.  Tempting though it is, I am headed in to work today.  LOTS on my plate already- and I'm not even there yet!

I am loving the feeling of Tai Chi.  I think it will work for me, just in terms of the calming effects it has.  I can't do much ( stupid toe)  but what I can do feels right.  Who knew?

Had an odd message from a friend and I won't go into detail, but since this person avoids talking to me when they see me and now this weird message, I can only assume our friendship has moved on.  It does make me sad and I wonder what happened to make this person change so drastically so quickly.  It may be true that people come into our lives for a reason, some for a short time, some for a long time.  I need to consider that sometimes friends cannot stay close forever; that people change and their needs or their desires change and you just have to let them go.  This friendship was a nice one.  If it is truly gone, I will miss it.

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