Thursday, December 25, 2014

Christmas Day

I posted this on my FB page, along with a picture of my Bobby with Santa.  Notice he's MY Bobby.  I love that little boy.

Merry Christmas, everyone! This year, our family has been blessed in so many ways, not the least of which is Robert Benjamin Aguirre. Christmas is a time to reflect on the gifts we received during the year, not just what's under the tree on Christmas morning. So to each of you here, I say thank you. You have made me laugh, made me mad and made me think. You have shared your joys and the challenges that are before you and in sharing we have made the load bearable. Have a wonderful Christmas, and for my friends who don't celebrate Christmas, I hope the joys of the season of holidays are yours. Much love to each of you, from our family to yours.

We followed a Myers family tradition and opened our gifts last night.  When I was a child, and Santa still came to the house, we would be put to bed early, my mother always saying that Santa would not come until I was asleep.  We would be awakened by my mother, who would exclaim "Santa's been here!" and we would go out to the living room to find it piled with presents. We would open them and enjoy them before my father had to go to work.  My Dad was in the restaurant business and worked the 11-7 shift, and he almost always worked Christmas Eve.  Although my mother always said that  we were following the German traditional Christmas celebration, I suspect it was because my father wanted to see us open our presents, and as he came home around 8 in the morning, there was no guarantee that he would get home before we discovered that Santa had indeed come.  During my first marriage, I tried to get my husband to continue this tradition, which he was more than willing to do when it came to opening HIS presents, but when we had Kate it was another story altogether. He made her wait until Christmas morning.  It just never seemed like the magical Christmases I remembered as a child.  I hope one day to have Bobby here for Christmas.  I even have the pickle ornament.  There is a tradition of hiding a pickle shaped ornament in the tree and whatever child finds it will get a special gift ( a jar of pickles, perhaps - lol)  

I am getting ready to celebrate Christmas with friends who are more like family than just friends.  I am making the traditional food of Christmas- lasagna!  I am looking forward to looking around my crowded table and seeing people I love enjoying a meal and each others company.

MERRY CHRISTMAS!  HAPPY HOLIDAYS!  May the joy of this season be yours.

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