Monday, December 22, 2014

Monday Monday

I've been busy getting ready for Christmas.  It looks like we will have about ten people for Christmas dinner.   I am making an Italian feast and hope that it goes well.  I love cooking and lasagna is my "signature" dish  I am making sausage and peppers with polenta as well; stuffed mushrooms and two kinds of pie for dessert.  Is that overkill?  I will make a nice "Kitchen sink salad"  I am trying to gear up my brain for what I will need to do this.  I am looking forward to the company this year.

Christmas is a time of reflection, or it should be.  I am trying to slow down and focus on the meaning of the holiday.  People are dragging out that "Jesus is the reason for the season" that really irks me.  Jesus is ONE reason for the season.  There are other faiths who celebrate during this time of year.  You don't need to embrace them, but you should try to be as accepting of other's beliefs as you would want them to be of yours.  This is particularly true of one or two of my Christian friends who get their knickers in a twist about Christmas being the ONLY holiday at this time of year.   uh.....   OK then.  Someone asked me, as I was making latkes last week, if I celebrated Hanukkah. I replied "I'll celebrate anything"  Christians conveniently forget that JESUS was Jewish.  He wasn't Christian, that came after he was gone.  His philosophy and his life may have started the religion, but HE himself remained Jewish.

My house is still a wreck, the tree isn't decorated and I am trying to get my act together. The place looks like Scrooge's house and I need to get it ready for celebrating.  It's too bad I have to go to work this week.  Work gets in the way of living, doesn't it?  Hopefully, traffic and moods will be lighter this week.  I have been trying to listen to Christmas music this week, but the stuff on the radio is god-awful crap.  I AM going to try to go tomorrow night to see Corrinne May at the Peets in Tarzana.  She has a most glorious voice.  Her album is my new favorite of the season.  I hope she has it for sale tomorrow!

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