Saturday, December 13, 2014

I'm making a list and checking it twice

These days, I can't seem to remember all the things I need to do, so I have become a list-maker extraordinaire.   At work, I have little "p-slips" as they used to be called with stuff to do all over them.  When I complete the task, I toss it in the recycle bin.  Very satisfying at the end of the day to toss all those notes in the bin.  At home I make a list of things and put it by the computer.  I check things off and cross them out and when I am done I recycle that list too.  Sometimes I don't get everything on the list done and have to decide whether  to forget about doing it or transfer it to a new list.

I do too much.

I admit it.  There is too much on my plate and I have NO idea how NOT to do what I think I need to do.  Today I am baking cookies, packing and driving out to my daughter's house.  We are supposed to go shopping at the outlets and then I am coming home tomorrow.  It's a lot of driving.  I am not looking forward to it, but I AM looking forward to seeing my little Squeaker.  Just to snuggle a bit with my boy.  He's getting big and doing all kinds of things.

How did Christmas get here so fast?

I am so not ready for it. I am trying to get into the "Christmas Spirit" but the pace of my life these days will not slow down enough for me to enjoy it.  As a child, Christmas couldn't get here soon enough.  As an adult,it's here before you know it.    I've done SOME of my shopping, but the real baking can't begin until next week and I have three days to do it.  I need to make a list ( see, a list!) of what I need to bake and what I need them for, so I can get myself scheduled and bake efficiently.  Traditionally, I make oatmeal, chocolate chip and sugar cookies.  I make fudgies for my husband and haystacks.  I bake fruitcake that people REALLY like, and pumpkin bread and brownie bites.  This year I am adding the five-minute fudge to the mix.  I will probably be baking cookies Monday and Tuesday, the breads on Wednesday.  I don't need to make as much as I have done in the past;  one year I baked 90 dozen.  This year maybe 5-6 dozen of each will do.  My list will help!  I usually give to neighbors and friends and take some in to work.

 Want some cookies?  Let me know!  I'll add you to my list.

1 comment:

  1. Are you insane! (Oh, wait, is that respectful? Well, it's me, so you know it is.) Robyn, I am having a rough time getting into the mood this year, too, and I am not sure why. I am trying to devote a lot more thought and time to Advent and Christmas itself, because there have been too many years when the night ofo the 25th came along, and as I went to bed, I thought, "Well, I missed it again this year." Just focus on Squeaker, Chris, fun things. I(f stuff doesn't get done - well hey. Robyn, don't miss out on Christmas!!!!!! Although, you are a good baker! (What? No hand crafted gifts for all, no home-made ornaments?) Tom


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