Wednesday, December 24, 2014

Merry Christmas!

I don't write those Christmas letters, although most of the time I enjoy reading them.  I love the honest ones, not the ones that sugar-coat and brag.  If I were to write one, it would be all about Bobby anyway!

It's Christmas Eve and I am SO not ready, so I am up early but still trying to jumpstart my motor.  I am totally unfocused, but my house is NOT "company ready" so I need to get at it.  I have a plan, but I am already behind.


Last night I did something nice for ME!  I went out to hear one of my new discoveries, a singer songwriter named Corrinne May.  You have heard me enthuse about her, but she was wonderful.  She even had the crowd sing along, Christmas carols I have not sung in a very long time.  I picked up her Christmas cd "The Gift" and another one ( it's in the car and I forget the name).  I spoke briefly with her, thanking her for helping me get my holiday spirit going.  She was very sweet.  I will be posting a review of BOTH cds later this week.

Christmas Eve is the time when my family always celebrated.  I am missing my mom this year, but Chris found a wonderful thing.  We had a box of slides from my Dad's house. He was an amateur photographer early in my parents' marriage. Chris bought me an early Christmas gift of a slide viewer/scanner.  So far I have seen photos of their trip to Atlantic City, and photos of my mother at the beach and in Central park.  I had forgotten, I suppose, how pretty she was.  I am hoping to convert all the photos to... something.. and am looking for kind of an art project that has been on my mind.  I am not much of an artist myself, but i CAN assemble nicely. We will see.  At any rate, now I can scan all those photos I have.  It's going to be an interesting time!

If I don't write more tomorrow morning, I want to wish everyone reading this a VERY MERRY CHRISTMAS ( if you celebrate, that is)   Whatever you celebrate this season, thank you for being part of my life and my writing journey.  I do this for myself, to keep my hand in the only "art" I do, but I appreciate the comments and the feedback.  May the joys of the season be yours!

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