Wednesday, December 3, 2014

"Christmas" songs

Well, it's that time of year again.  Everywhere you go they are playing "Christmas " music.  Some of it is so awful, I wan to flee the place where I am just to get away from it.  It seems everyone who ever sang has recorded some kind of Christmas song.  Some of them are quite good.  I love James Taylor's "Have yourself a Merry Little Christmas" for instance, but I love James' voice so MOST things he does are just fine with me.  We were in a restaurant  and they were treating us to "Country" Christmas.  Some of it was ok, but one song had so much vibrato on every single note, it was painful.  I think it was Carrie Underwood, who has a nice voice in most circumstances. Chris and I leaned in closer to talk to block the noise out.

It got me thinking about the songs we sing at Christmas and what "Christmas" songs are not really about Christmas.  I don't mean songs that don't talk about the birth of Jesus, which despite rampant consumerism, is the meaning behind the holiday.  The word holiday itself comes from "holy day" , doesn't it?  So in no particular order:

Winter Wonderland.  Yeah.  Go back and listen to it.  No mention of Christmas.

Jingle Bells.  All about a sleigh ride.

Sleigh Ride.  Ditto.

Good King Wenceslas.  One of my favorite "carols"  to sing when I go caroling, which I have not done in ages.  It does not mention Christmas, but does talk about "the Feast of Stephen" which is the day AFTER Christmas. 

Let it Snow.  It's about a hot date.

Frosty the Snowman.  This goes without saying, but it shows up at "Christmas" concerts on a regular basis.

I will be doing my holiday baking in the next week or so.  I am baking for the McGroarty Holiday Boutique, where we will be doing a cookie decorating booth on Sunday; Saturday is the Chili-bowl sale and a bake sale.  I am not sure what I am baking for that, depends on my mood, I suppose.  I will be listening to Christmas music as I bake.  As always, Nat King Cole will usher in the season for me.  It is NOT Christmas in my house until Nat sings. I bake a lot over the holidays.  I  know I will be baking my mom's fruitcake.  Before you knee-jerk about fruitcake, I have to tell you it's really good ( or I wouldn't bake it, you don't catch me making stollen, which is just god-awful)   Stop by the house and I will load you up on cookies!

1 comment:

  1. Oh, Robyn, will you despise me if I tell you that some of my favorite Christmas music would probably NOT be on your play list. Dean Martin! Just makes me want to have a Manhattan! The Phil Spector Christmas album! Takes me right on back - and I adore the way Letterman has Darlene Love on to sing "Christmas, Baby Please Come Home" every year! And, yes, even Mariah Carey singing All I Want for Christmas Is You!" AND - Burl Ives (or even Lady Antebellum) singing "Holly Jolly Christmas." Of course, on Christmas morning at church, I always hope for thoe heavy hitters, but last year the closest I got was "Angels from the Realms of Glory," which was NOT in my pantheon of faves - my absolute most fave is "Hark, the Herald Angels Sing." AND - dare I say this? I don't much care for "Silent Night." I think because it is a very simple song, meant to be sung simply (the history of the song tells us why) and most singers feel they have to sing the bejeezus out of it and ruin it. Well, Robyn, at least Kanye hasn't done a holiday album - so far. And - finally - a special shout out to Barry Manilow and k.t. Oslin (whatever happened to her) for their rendition of "Baby, It's Cold Outside," nary a mention of Christmas, but its so cuddly and fun! Thanks for bringing up a wealth of music memories for me - now Ineed to go listen to some Christmas music! Tom


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