Tuesday, December 30, 2014

The End of the Year

How did it get to be the end of the year so quickly?  Time seems to fly, the older we get.  Recently, I have been seasonally blue and in an effort to bring myself out of this funk I find myself in, I am trying to think about the good things in my life so, in no particular order- here goes:

Bobby,  ok,  you all saw THAT coming as Number One.  The birth of my first grandchild makes this a banner year, if NOTHING ELSE.  Holding that sweet, peaceful baby in the first moments of his life will always be with me.  I love him.I dream of the man he will become and hope I am a continuing part of it.  I have so many adventures planned for us.

Chris.  Always.  I have been lucky, after years of unhappiness, to find my husband.  Sometimes I want to pinch myself to see if this really IS happening.  I am thankful beyond measure that he is in my life and in my corner.  He loves me when I am unlovable.  He came with the bonus of a great extended family.  I have more cousins, aunts, uncles, nieces and nephews than I know what to do with, and I love them.  My Mother-in-law is the sweetest woman, I am lucky to have her.

Baseball.  Yes. Baseball.  I went to a Dodger game this year and got seats behind home plate.  We were on tv!  Yikes.  It was a very cool experience and I would LOVE to do it again, if that were possible.  I love baseball.  The first thing I got my grandchild, before we knew who he was, was a Dodger outfit.  He's a FIFTH generation fan.  It's in the DNA.

Books.  This year I have read some wonderful books; the whole Alera Series by Jim Butcher was a wonderful thing to listen to in the car.  I was totally BUMMED by the death of Diana Norman, aka Ariana Franklin in the middle of her "Mistress of the art of Death" Series.  She left book four as a cliff hanger and then DIED.    oy.  I enjoyed the books, even if they were somewhat implausible and Adelia's affection for Rowley Picot was, in my opinion, somewhat misplaced.

Friends.  I have the world's BEST group of friends.  It was fun over the holidays to get together with a few of them.  My friends are a great group and I am happy when I have them in to dinner and introduce them to each other.  I love having people in our home for dinner and plan to do more of that in 2015.

Music.  I really am not up at all on current bands and music, but I am finding local musicians who delight and inspire me.  I have been bar-tending at McGroarty for our "Fourth Friday" events and while it has NOT been as packed in the house as I might have liked, this next year seems promising as we revamp the program a bit.  Despite a few missteps into some MAJOR potholes, we managed to keep the doors open to the Center and the New Year has some wonderful event planned. ( Yes I am going to plug one)  We have a "Timeless Tile" event, where YOU create your own tile which can be displayed at the Center for all to see or taken home for you to enjoy.  The cost per tile is $25.  Explore your inner artist for a worthy cause! The date is January 18.  Be there!

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