Thursday, January 1, 2015

Happy 2015 New Years Day musings.

Sitting here after my third cup of coffee, having watched the Rose Parade from the comfort of my couch.  I did get an invite from a friend who had an extra ticket, but I woke up with a sore throat and a bit of a stuffy head, so I had to pass.  I think I would like to go one day, just not this time.  I might go see the floats, but that is a huge crowd and I just don't know. One year I actually worked on getting a float ready, but NEVER again!  Well, never again with the Burbank Float Association.  They were unbelievable.  They had a nice spread of food- FOR THEMSELVES, nothing, not even WATER for the volunteers.  They YELLED at us for having any kind of water near the prep tables, but didn't allow the poor high school kids, who needed the volunteer time, ANY breaks during the shift.  The woman running the thing took her management style from the Nazis.  Humorless and unfriendly, she made the whole experience a bitter one for me, a seasoned volunteer.  I actually said something to her about making the experience a positive one for the kids would get them involved in MORE volunteering. She said she didn't care, that there would always be kids who needed the service credit.  Well, she lost an ADULT volunteer that day.  I also discourage people from doing Burbank's float because of it.  I see the City of LA does a float.  Maybe I can do that next year and see if the experience is better.  I know people who do it all the time, so it can't be as bad as all that, can it?

I don't really do resolutions, but this year I promised myself I would make some changes and get more exercise.  I have been low energy and sluggish and I need to get moving more.  I really want to go roller skating!  I know I used to love it and it's great exercise, but I need a buddy.  Seriously.

Looking back over 2014, there's not much that I would have done differently and a LOT of good things happened.  I want to spend more time with friends and family.  I want to not be such a couch potato at the end of the day.  My work can be exhausting and I just want to veg some nights, but that should not be the norm.  So I will be looking for new adventures this year.  My resolution every year is to do one new volunteer thing this year, so I will see what comes up.  My union is involved in a lot of community outreach, so that will probably present an opportunity to do something.  I am still working the LA Marathon and the Delores Mission meal service.  I spend a whole lot of time with my beloved McGroarty Arts Center.  We have a lot of cool things happening this month!  It's going to be busy, but that is a good thing, isn't it?

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