Thursday, January 8, 2015

Dreams, songs and books.....

I dreamed about the song "I wish for you"  last night.  I was in a car-wash and the radio over by the snack bar was playing the song.  I went over to hear it and then did not hear the verse I was waiting to hear,  the last verse:

Someone to stand with you wrong or right
Someone to love every breath of your life
I wish for you
Wish you hope through your share of tears
I wish you peace all your living years
and when the moon is high
I'll wish you were here.

I was pretty peeved in the dream that they were playing to song on the radio and were truncating it.  It's a beautiful song and one I put in my ad in my daughter's senior yearbook in high school.  I remember one of her teachers coming over to me and telling me how much it moved her.  It IS a perfect piece for letting go of your child and acknowledging that it is time for them to spread their wings.

It was a weird dream, including getting into a pink and black VW bug and driving it through the car-wash, which was vertical, then we could not get out of the parking lot and they closed the car was because someone was sick and they were waiting for the ambulance, so we were all stuck int he parking lot of the now-closed and shuttered car-wash.  Just... weird.

Dreams are funny, aren't they?  Sometimes, my dreams are like long feature films and I wake up wondering if I should start writing down the story.  That's how James Cameron developed Terminator.  It was a nightmare he had; or at least that's the story I heard about it.  Sometimes my nightmares wake me, screaming.  I know it must freak Chris out.  I have very vivid dreams, I always have.

I hope to recommit to writing this blog every day or nearly every day.  I need to ease my mind in my art, if I may call it that.  Is this writing I am doing actually "Art"? I never thought of it that way, maybe more a craft than an art.  It's something I have always done in one way or another.  I am fascinated with words and language.  I love the fill-ins crossword puzzles, where they give you a list of words and you plug them in on a crossword grid.  it's somewhat mathematical, a logic puzzle, more than a vocabulary puzzle and I love doing them.  Since my computer is still having issues, I may not be spending as much time online as I have been and maybe devote more time to reading and housework. well reading anyway!  I am taking the 2015 reading challenge and first out of the box is  a book with 500 pages.  Any suggestions????


  1. Writing is an art.. here is a book I loved
    Everything I Never Told You: A Novel (Books)
    Ng, Celeste

  2. And here - I woke up int he night and realized I had never finished my ten song challenge that you were the inspiration for (sorry, it was too awkward to not end that in a preposition!) And I just found the rough draft of my list! Perhaps the list (as in "THE LIST!") will be one of my 2015 resolutions............................
    Glad to see you are writing a lot lately - keep it up!


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