Saturday, January 24, 2015

Sick.. Day Whatever....

Still sick and if this does not improve in the next day or so I see a trip to Kaiser.  Chris wanted me to go today, but they only have Urgent Care on the weekends and frankly the thought of sitting in Urgent Care for what could be hours was too much for me. But lest you think I have not been proactive about this let me tell you just what I have been doing:

Sleeping.  A lot.  Trying to sweat out the virus.  I know common current medical  advice does not hold with this method, but it always works for me.  I was running a fever which finally broke about 10 last night.  It's trying to come back so I am heading for bed after I

EAT!  I have been starving, so I let my appetite be my guide.  I have been eating spicy lentil and chorizo soup from Vons.  Yeah, VONS.  It's pretty good.  I sent Chris to the store and he got stuff for me to make my spicy garlicky chicken soup which I will be making tomorrow.

I have not left the house.  The wind is gusting something fierce up here.  I am going to stay indoors until Monday morning.  Usually I would be doing things around the house but I am not doing ANYTHING.  I need to get over this.  The MAC Board conference had to be postponed because I did not feel strong enough to make the day.  It's a good call on my part and I appreciate the rest of the board and their willingness to change it up. I still feel guilty, which is why I am approaching recovery in this manner.

In addition to the spicy soup, I am channeling my Dad and making hot tea with LOADS of sugar and ( big shock here) liberal doses of whiskey. Somewhere in the back of my mind I remember he had some kind of theory about sugar and coughs.  He also had a theory about turpentine and coughs but I am not going down THAT particular path.  The last two nights I have had SCARY ASS breathing episodes, or LACK- of -breathing episodes.  I could not catch my breath and it felt as if I had swallowed sand and it was blocking my airway.  I have been using the saline rinse, which is disgusting but effective.  I think this would have been much worse had I not started using it at the first sign of the cold ( which may be the flu, how the heck do you tell the difference anyway???)

So am I missing anything?  Comment away, what do you do to get over "the ick"?

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