Wednesday, January 7, 2015

Happy Birthday Mom

I woke up sobbing this morning.  I had been dreaming about my mother and waking up I just missed her so badly I started to bawl.  Today would have been her 89th birthday, but we lost her to Alzheimer's ten years ago.  I "talk" to her all the time and hope my heart is hearing her response.  I know wherever she is, she is loving it, hanging out with my Dad. I do believe in heaven, so I think she is there with the rest of the family.  She is not ravaged by that sad disease that stole the vibrant person she had been and left only a shell.  But for today, allow me to be sad and to miss her.  I know she would have loved Kate's son, Bobby with a fierceness that can not be matched.  He looks like her, a bit.  I see so many of my family members in his face.   Funny, isn't it how that happens?

We found some photos my Dad took and later on today I may try to post a few of them on Facebook.  I hope she won't mind if I post pictures from the 50's of her and my Dad at the beach or at the Steel Pier in Atlantic City.  There is a cool one of her, wearing white gloves at the UN.  She was really impressed with the UN and wanted me to work there.  I have a facility for language and she really thought I should pursue a job as a translator.  It might have been interesting. Politics is not my thing, however.  There was a Gidget movie where she gets a job at the UN, I think it was Karen Valentine playing Gidget.  She could barely speak ENGLISH so they gave her a job as a tour guide.  She falls for an older man, but Moondoggie comes back to profess his love and they get married at the end of it.  FINALLY.  Geez, the world's longest courtship!

How did I get veer off to Gidget????

Nostalgia has taken over my brain these days and I yearn for a simpler time, when I had less responsibility.  Maybe that's it. There is a photo exhibit from the music scene of the late 70's early 80's in Los Angeles that opens tomorrow at Central Library.  I am looking forward to seeing it, hopefully see some of the bands I used to work with or those we used to see.  I didn't go out to see bands, I was "working" even if we weren't getting paid.  My then-husband and I did lighting, special effects and sound for a number of bands that never made it.  Some of them were VERY good, but egos and relationships got in the way.  It will be interesting to see those photos and talk about that period in history.

But Happy Birthday, Mom.  I love you and I wish you were here to sing Hippo Birdie to:

Hippo Birdie two ewes
Hippo Birdie two ewes
Hippo Birdie deer ewe
Hippo Birdie two ewes

( with thanks to Children's author and artist Sandra Boynton)

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