Tuesday, January 13, 2015


Not sure what I am thinking about this morning, but it seems harder and harder to get the motivation to do anything.  I think I need a vacation, one where I don't take care of anybody or have any real plans, just GO somewhere and maybe see some sights or relax without any agenda.  I wonder if I can actually DO that, it has NOT been my vacation MO for the last few years.

Last night I had a long conversation with a friend I had lost touch with after high school.  We had been the very best of friends, but things happened and we drifted apart soon afterward.  It was nice to reconnect with her and I hope to visit in person one day soon.

She and I talked about the writing we did as teens.  She wrote stories and poetry, I was strictly a poet.  I will be posting some of the things I have written recently, to try to edit them and hopefully get some feedback.  It's scary for me, as the poetry is closer to my soul than this rambling blog.  They are hard to put out there in the light of day.

On a brighter note, I think I found my 500-page book for my reader challenge.  Is it still counted if I LISTEN to it in the car vs actually reading it?  I have become addicted to books on cd.  That counts, right?  I am still trying to read the Riberio book "I would have loved him if I hadn't killed him.  It's just making TIME to read, which I am finding harder and harder to do.  I really should spend less time playing Facebook games- although the one "game" get me comps to Las Vegas and with enough of them, I may be able to have that vacation I am talking about in the first paragraph.  The one "memory game" was supposed to help me keep my mind nimble.  Not sure if it's working all that well, but I will continue to try to flex my brain.

Next on my list of writing projects is to really listen to some new music and review it.  Next up is Corrinne May's "Beautiful Seed"  I love her voice and I met her briefly at her Coffee house show at Peets in Encino.  She was very sweet and I love her version of "The Answer", which is on her "Christmas" cd but is more a devotional song than a traditional Christmas song.  I listen to it sometimes just to hear her lovely voice.

I have gotten out of practice with reviews and hope to get back to doing some real writing soon.

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