Thursday, January 15, 2015

Music in my head

I hate my new computer.  I just typed a very long discourse about hockey and Warren Zevon that was VERY good and it DELETED it.  Seriously, this new program is going to take some getting used to, along with the TEENY TINY keyboard I need to replace ASAP.

So here goes.

I woke up this morning with Warren Zevon's  "Hit somebody" in my head.  Why is it that when you have a song stuck in your head, you can only dislodge it with another.  I love Warren Zevon and "Hit somebody" is the pithy tale of Buddy, a Canadian Farmboy who becomes a hockey "goon" while dreaming of that "one damn goal"  I don't know much about hockey, it's fun to watch but the nuances escape me. The joke is "I went to a fight and a hockey game broke out."  don't get all over me if you are a hockey fan.  I realize it's more than that. Growing up in Los Angeles key was not part of my landscape.  I learned and PLAYED football, soccer, basketball and baseball.  I played tennis and badminton.  I played tennis and I biked.  I roller skated and even tried ice skating once or twice.  My ex played "broom hockey" but the appeal of freezing my butt off while watching a bunch of inebriated guys chase a ball of duct tape all over the ice with brooms got old after a while.

Back to my original thought.  Hearing Warren Zevon in my head this morning got me to thinking about the type of music I love versus what I am "supposed" to love.  I do not think, for instance that "Clapton is God" and  I don't think Robert Plant is the greatest singer in the world.  I saw Led Zeppelin twice in the late 70's  Good shows both of them, but not the religious experience a lot of hardcore fans profess it to be. I love the "California sound" folky stuff; thing that tell a story and I can sing along to.  I LOVE OLD  R&B, I once saw bluesman Charles Moore open for Bonnie Raitt and I thought I had died and gone to heaven.  The new stuff does not have the grit to it, too much polish to give it the earthy feel that I personally need in my R&B.

My once favorite radio station, 100.3 the Sound is going down the tubes.  They have a vast catalog of things, but seem to play the same songs day in and day out.  They don't repeat during the day, but I don't really hear anything new from the vault.  I was hopeful they would showcase new music from Classic artists, as there doesn't seem to be a venue for that and there needs to be.  I see musicians that I love struggling to get their new stuff heard.  What is is James Taylor says?  "Pay good money to hear Fire and rain again and again and again".  Don't get me wrong, I love the classic stuff, it would just be nice to acknowledge that these artists are STILL making music and not just rehashing their hits.

1 comment:

  1. And ironically, I quit listening to the country stations when I drive, because they NEVER play any of the "oldies" or classic country stars - all this new fabricated "urban" country! BAH! Give me those good ole boys and girls (with their enormous hairdos!) I am on the same page with Robyn, though - too much new music has a prefabricated feel - I don't care what genre - there are a few groups out there that I do like. But mostly, eh..................................................
    P.S. Well, to be fair, maybe I am just getting too old! (NO!)


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