Friday, January 16, 2015

IS it?

Feed a cold and starve a fever?  I can never remember the old adage.  I am home, sick, and thinking about a third cup of coffee to wash down breakfast. I'm RAVENOUS, which is probably a good and bad thing.  I am going to do a few things downstairs then go back upstairs to read and watch bad television and sleep.  I had a lot on my plate, but frankly I cannot TALK ( I KNOW, me not talking!)  

Yesterday's event for my retiring boss went off  well, but not without a few hiccups.  The secretary who was compiling the list was sick so she didn't get a chance to finalize it and alpha-sort it.  It was a little chaotic, but not bad.  HOWEVER  a group of people tried to sneak in.  Seriously?  You are business professionals and you think you can just waltz in and take a plate and not pay?  One woman BOLDLY set her plate on the check in table- she had helped herself to the buffet and had made herself a "care package"  They were not going to pay their fair share.  I made her pay me ( I'm the Dragon at the Gate, after all)  She acted offended, but I kept my smile as I insisted she pony up.  The unmitigated GALL of that woman astounds me!   Her check better not bounce.

I had told myself I could not get sick until AFTER the party and pretty much that's what happened. The sheer force of my will kept it at bay I suppose, but about an hour after everything was done, I lost my voice.  I made it through the rest of the workday but came home, had a tot of Bushmill's and crawled into bed.

McGroarty is doing their "Timeless Tiles" event on Sunday.  For 25 bucks you can create your very own tile, which will be fired at the Center and either displayed as a part of the House exhibits or if you wish you may take it home when it is done.  Either way, it's a very cool thing. I am supposed to bake cookies and will probably do so tomorrow when I am feeling better.  Come up to the House on Sunday at 10 and  have a little fun!  I am probably making my "world famous oatmeal cookies" but might do Chocolate chip or snicker-doodles too.

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