Friday, January 23, 2015


I haven't written anything because I have been sick and struggling with this cold/flu thing.  It's a bad one and of course it defaults to bronchitis, so I have been coughing my brains out.  My head hurts...

I've been thinking about a lot of things lately, retirement mostly, as my peers begin to drop off and move on to that phase of life.  It's scary to me right now.  Like most people my fear is living longer than I have money for.  My divorce kind of screwed that up, My plan to retire at 55 went out the window, along with half the retirement I had put away during the marriage.  Yep.  That's the way Community property works. I have to pay him. Guess what?  It's WORTH IT.  If I have to work until I'm a little old Management Analyst, I will.  A discussion with LACERS, the City retirement folks, is in the near future.

I need to win the Lotto.

The Lotto is up to ... what 230 million?  That's a number bigger than I can even envision.  I wonder what someone would DO with all that money.  I know I would like to win it, so I'd better buy a ticket.  I would hope if I DID win that money that I would remain true to my roots, kind of like the Beverly Hillbillies did, you know?  They had that big house but still lived simply.  I wouldn't be doing my laundry in a big kettle in the back yard, but , well, you get my meaning.  Not to have to worry about anything ever again would be very nice.  I know who my friends are, so "New" friends coming out of the woodwork would be out of luck if they just wanted a handout.Warren Zevon once observed that people with money spend an awful lot of time talking to accountants.  Accountants are portrayed as humorless souls, but I know at least one I think I could trust to help me IF I win the lotto on Saturday.  I have given this a lot of thought.  Dreaming is nice, isn't it?

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