Tuesday, January 6, 2015

Tuesday Morning

I swear, I am turning into "Grumpy Cat"  I seem to be more "bleh" about things these days and am trying to find my "happy place.  It's hard, as the arthritis has kicked back in and i HURT like heck all over.  I hate when this happens and I am trying to get more exercise and watch the trigger foods that contribute to the pain.  Aleeve is my new best friend.

It's been weird lately to see things from my past popping up on Facebook.  Well not my EXACT past, but a shared past that keeps appearing.  Strange to see ads for the Lincoln Mercury dealership that bears the name of a long-ago friend.  It says it's "family run" but the people shown are NOT the guy I knew.  It was a shock to realize that those must be HIS sons.  I forget we all age and in my mind he is frozen in time at his mid twenties.  I looked him up and think that he himself has retired to Arizona or something.  I laughingly wonder how he could have found someone to marry him and have children.  He was quirky when I knew him, but hey someone married ME, didn't they, with all MY quirks.

Facebook has allowed me back into the lives of people I have loved in the past.  Sometimes, it's enough to meet with them once for some type of closure on our friendship and in some cases it is a joyful renewal.  When you are a teen, you have friends from school, but as you grow what bound you together sometimes slips away.  There are some people I am glad are no longer in my life when I see them on Facebook and others I am glad to meet again.

There is an exhibit opening at Central on Thursday of photos from the music scene in Los Angeles.  I was on the fringes of that scene during that time, so I am going, just to see if anything is familiar to me.  It was a heady , wild time and I have some great stories from it.  I still see people from "back in the day".  I am reminded of the lines from the Bob Dylan song "Tangled up in Blue"

So now I'm goin' back again
I got to get to her somehow
All the people we used to know
They're an illusion to me now
Some are mathematicians
Some are carpenters' wives
Don't know how it all got started
I don't know what they're doin' with their lives

It looks like an interesting exhibit, as most are at Central.  It is bringing up all kinds of wistfulness in me, that I am not sure I like at this point.  Still, it will be fun to look at the old photos and laugh about the past. 

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