Friday, December 26, 2014

Post Christmas thoughts

It's o-dark-hundred  and I am trying to get myself together to go to work.  It's going to be interesting, and I hope someone is there before me, as I do not have a key.  They re-keyed and did not make enough so I didn't get one. If no one is there, I cannot get in.  Just another reason these days for me to seriously consider retirement or changing jobs.  I am at the very worst, about six years from retirement. My job, although I love most aspects of it, is demanding.  Some days I just don't feel like I am doing all I could be.  Maybe it's just lately, the change of the season, the sameness of things that makes me want to do something else.  Maybe I just need a  real vacation where I do nothing but relax.  Wishful thinking at this point, because as the poem says "I  have promises to keep and miles to go before I sleep".  Now I know that Frost was talking about death, or at least that's the discussion that I remember having about it in some long ago Lit class, but quotes out of context can sometimes be applied to other things.  Maybe I just need to figure out what is bugging me and take steps to correct it.

On Christmas Eve-eve, Chris and I went to a coffee house show of an artist I discovered via Pandora.  Her name is Corrinne May and she has the most glorious voice.  I HAD to get her Christmas album "The Gift" for one song ,"The Answer", which is more a hymn of praise than a Christmas song.  Her voice just soars on it.   It was lovely to go out with my husband for an evening of just us doing something.  Both of us have been so busy and so tired that we haven't had as much "us" time.  We are making plans to actually schedule more time together, if that makes sense.  We need to make sure there is time for us to be together, just us. Is it possible to build in a "do-nothing" period in our schedules?  I am not programmed that way.  I need to change the programming.

So, for those of you not working today, have a lovely day after Christmas.  The stores should be insane today.  I never go to those clearance sales, too much a reminder of Orbach's bargain basement for me.  You have to be a certain "vintage" to remember that place.  You'd be fighting with some Sherman Oaks matron over a sweater with holes in it that was selling  for two bucks.  SO not worth the effort!  The after Christmas sales really kill any holiday spirit, no season of "peace on Earth and Goodwill toward man" as you are grabbing that box or ornaments you don't need but they are 75% off so you get them, just beating someone else for the grab.  My little house is cluttered enough with stuff I already have!

1 comment:

  1. Merry Christmas Robyn and Chris! I normally take the day after Christmas off since Tom and I usually do dinner that night. I didn't have to this year due to my 9/80 schedule, it was already my regular day off, but yes, you have to schedule some recovery time! Get your downtime in, and when things slow down a little, we'll meet up for coffee or dinner or just a glass of wine :-) Happy New Year my friends, and take care!


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