Thursday, December 18, 2014

Rambling thoughts on a Thursday morning

I hate it when the microwave in my office tells me "Enjoy your meal" when it is done.  When did machinery get so... bossy?

I'm tired and I don't think there is enough coffee in the world to keep me going today, but as usual there is a lot on my plate so, "suck it up, buttercup".

This year the holidays are bringing out the humbug in me.  I seem to be going through the motions without the joy .  I need to find my Merry Christmas, you know?  A lot of people are feeling that way this year.  I was talking to one of my co-workers about how Christmas seems to bring a sense of obligation to some people, they have to give gifts to people when they really don't want to be bothered or they have to go to parties.  Sometimes it's "the cost of doing business" and you need to do certain things.  It's hard sometimes to put a happy face on it and go along.  Sometimes when you do that, the situation becomes much nicer than you thought it would be.  I was thinking about Jacob Marley "I wear the chain I forged in life."  I wonder what "chain" a lot of people drag with them through life and how we can make it lighter.

I found, via Pandora, a singer I am enjoying.  Her name is Corrinne May.  Her voice is so sweet and clear, like a crystal bell. I am listening to her Christmas album, "The Gift" , or part of it, on youtube.  I really need to buy it, so I have it.  

I think I am finished baking cookies, at least for now.  I will probably make a huge batch of fudgies for Christmas and maybe one kind of cookie.  I need to see what my husband would like me to do,  He is so sweet about helping me.  This year I baked less than usual.  My oven is quirky and burned some things.  Probably needs a new thermostat.  Gotta talk to the landlord.   I made, sugar cookies, oatmeal raisin, chocolate chip, fruit cake, cranberry bread, haystacks, fudgies and fudge.  I made chocolate chip cakes for my office mates.  Taking it to work today, so I'd better pack and scoot.  I have to get to the parking lot before 8:30 to get the discounted price!

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