Saturday, December 6, 2014

Keyboard warriors

The Executive Director of my union used the phrase "Keyboard Warrior"  to define people who sit and complain on the web or via email, but don't actually DO anything about the problem.  In the last week, I have received TWO such missives from people regarding a group I am involved in.  I would like to answer them in a snarky way but must maintain my professional distance, however I am feeling a bit evil so here is a generic response.

"Thank you so much for taking time to point out the obvious.   Your powers of observation are astonishing.  Are you a genius?  Without your keen insight to the problem we have been working to resolve for the last several months, we would NEVER have KNOWN there was a problem.  Your offer of help.. wait there was no offer of help in your letter...let me start that again.. your solution to the problem was... oh WAIT AGAIN, you didn't OFFER a solution, you just sat at your keyboard and complained.  Gee, THAT was helpful of you.  I suppose I should just say, thank you for your input.  Do you also bring coals to Newcastle?"

There I feel better.

When a problem appears, if I complain to the management, I often am sympathetic and try to offer some sort of remedy.  It's something I learned in business practices early on.  A co-worker warned me NEVER to go to a certain boss with a problem unless I had one or two possible solutions.  He said it showed her that I was thinking about it, not just reacting to it.  I am, by nature, a problem solver which has served me well in my current job and in many facets of my life.  I hope never to be considered a "Keyboard Warrior" but a do-er in the world.

1 comment:

  1. I had a boss at the library some years ago - Jennifer - may she rest in peace - who was instrumental in helping me with your idea. Often, if I felt we could do it another way, I would approach her with alternatives. Contrary to some people'e beliefs, she was always open and approachable. Sometimes she's say no, but often she'd tell me to try it. And alas, yes, sometimes my ideas bombed. BUT I tried! I wanted to say - no, I wanted to scream, at two of the other librarians in our group - STOP! Have you no sense of self preservation - they would go charging on it (we didn't have keyboards back then) saying how it wouldn't work.........and get lambasted - and wonder why. Anyway, Robyn, I think you may be tilting at windmills here, but God bless you for trying! Tom


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