Sunday, January 20, 2013

Apathy- or why don't you vote?

 I posted this blog on my union's website, but I think it applies to everyone who chooses not to decide and to let other people do it for them.  I think of it like buying a really great car and not driving it, instead, letting your friends all drive it for you.  I vote in every election I am able to vote in.  I think it's vital to the stability of any organization ( or COUNTRY for that matter) to have those who are empowered to participate in the process to do so. 

Our Union recently had an election, asking members to ratify an affiliation with a stronger Local.  Among other things, it will increase dues and require us to become more involved and politically aware.  Only about 28 % of the eligible members bothered to cast a vote.  The measure passed.    I am not complaining about the changes, what I AM concerned with is the apathy on the part of our membership to participate in the election.  It’s not as if it all that difficult to vote.  The package is mailed to your home with a self addressed stamped return envelope.  All that is required is to fill out the form and stick in it the mailbox.  How hard is that, anyway?  There is a line from a Rush song “if you choose not to decide, you still have made a choice.”  By NOT voting you are doing two things.  You are letting other people decide for you AND you are not letting your opinion be known.    I know there are a lot of people who say “what does it matter if I vote?” Well, it DOES matter.  The results give an indication of the general feeling of the membership.  If only people who are for the measure vote, then the assumption is that MOST members are for it.   EAA is a MEMBER DRIVEN organization.  The Board of Governors and the Executive Director are YOUR employees, not the other way around.    I am asking each of you to take a look at your involvement in EAA and consider becoming more active, even if it is only to vote when the time comes to do so.  We can be a stronger force, if we choose.  Apathy will cause more harm than action.

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