No real thoughts here,as I wait for the coffee to do it magic. My sleep patterns have been of, assisted by the medication I am taking which gives me vivid nightmares. More than once in the past few days, I have woken up screaming. I wonder what sleep without dreams is like. I wonder if people who say they don't dream just don't remember that they do, or if it is really possible NOT to dream. I used to like dreaming, sometimes I dreamed these amazing stories, I called them Movies. I was in them, me but not me; like an actor playing a role. Those were fun. Lately my dreams are terrible events that are SO real I have to touch Chris when I wake up to know they are not true. Definitely NOT fun nor are they restful. I wake up more tired than if I had not slept. Going to be another fun day at work unless the coffee really does it's magic. I need to talk to my doctor about the side effects of the meds and see if there is something else I can take that won't give me nightmares. UGH.
So I see they avoided the "Fiscal Cliff" I see people are grumbling about Obama in this. Let's take a close look at who really put the brakes to all of this; The House and the Senate. GOP leaders saying they were NOT even going to try to vote, to work out a compromise? I am sick to death of the lot of them. As I have said before, this whole budget disaster is NOT a shocker, we have know about it for a long time. So they are moaning that their holidays were ruined by it? How about the American people? OUR lives are being ruined by it. Elected officials who don't do the job they were elected to do should be sacked. I think they should ALL be voted out. I know that leaves us with all new people , untried politicians, but I wonder if that might NOT be a good thing? Is experience in the job a necessary thing, or should brains be the deciding factor. I am not convinced that all the leaders here are not sitting on their brains, as my Dad used to say. I am not blaming Obama here, and I know some of my friends are. I believe the failure lies squarely in the laps of the Congress.
I promised myself I would be more positive this year , so here it is for today. It looks like another beautiful day is dawning out there, one when anything is possible. I am going to try to do my best to get MY job done today; at least some of the more pressing pending items. I am happy to say I actually was able to address all my unread messages before leaving work on Monday, which is quite an accomplishment given I had over 60 messages when I got to work on Monday. I have ONE project I am going to focus on- well maybe two! I hope the Fates cooperate!
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