Thursday, March 12, 2020


I've been frustrated lately and writing  just has not been possible.  I hate writing grumpy blogs but frankly I am grumpy.

So here goes.

Work is crazy busy.  We are already pedal-to-the metal most days but with this public health crisis everything is so uncertain and we are trying to do our best for staff and the public.  My regular work is harder to accomplish.  I feel frustrated as I can't seem to get anything done.  I have to remind myself to breathe and WASH MY HANDS

England.  I am GOING TO ENGLAND!   Six weeks until my lovely cousin marries the love of his life.  I HAVE to be there.  For now, travel is NOT restricted from here to the UK.  I hope it holds.  Seriously I have my tickets and the room is non-refundable.  That's a LOT of money if we can't go.  Say NOTHING of missing the wedding- which I will really be upset about if that happens.  Sure, I can go some other time but when will all the fam be in one place again?   This bites.

I am talking to my pulmonologist anyway.  I need to be strong enough , health-wise- if this comes at me.  I am high risk on all cylinders.  Sucks.  that's all I can say about it.  Still I will be careful and I am stubborn.  I have had pneumonia once. It was NOT fun.  I wound up in the hospital but I fought back and was ok.  Still,it is NOT something I wish to repeat.

I am trying to find something happy to think about here.  Started listening to a new book on cd- the Dutch house- read by tom Hanks.  Funny Tom and Rita announces that they both had the virus.   Hope they are ok.  I like Tom Hanks!

I need to get a bunch of books, in case I am quarantined.  I have toilet paper and a Brita filter , but I will need something to READ!


  1. A) IF you are quuarantined, you can finally get some rest! Not that I wish that to happen (the quarantine, not the rest!)
    B) The hysteria is insane. We have never had any airborne diseases before, huh? Breathe. Wash your hands.
    C) On a happier note: Where in England? What are you wearing? Did you choose a hat? They seem to be dressier over there. How exciting!

  2. And now, on top of everything - RAIN LEAKS!

  3. Oh, no! Today I read that now Ireland AND the UK are added to the travel ban list. So no wedding? How disappointing for you.

  4. Waiting and seeing. The wedding will happen, just without me there at this point. I am going to hold onto hope that we can get there.

  5. Good luck! Do you want me to order you a pretty fascinator just in case? What color is your frock?


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