Geez. It's been a while since I sat down to write anything. Busy and frankly, sick.
I do NOT have the corona virus, just a nasty cold that , as usual, defaulted to bronchitis. I have chronic asthma and the meds I take to save me also play havoc with my immune system.
It's a double-edged sword.
The City has declared a state of urgency- maybe it's emergency, I can't remember, but whatever it is, my department is gearing up for a public health crisis. Better to be prepared, I suppose. We serve a large homeless population. I hope this thing gets under control soon, but the current National Administration is kind of blowing it off. I understand the need to keep calm and not panic, but yesterday, they had a press conference and refused the tv and radio media access. yeah. Get the word out. MOST people these days do NOT read the paper. Most people listen to soundbites and tweets.
I was in my local Vons and the manger told me some guy bought EVERY SINGLE hand sanitizers, both the pumps and the individual ones. Nice going asshole. You feel better now? He probably is holed up in his house with them and is planning on selling them on the black market for big bucks.
I voted this week. I voted for Elizabeth Warren, even though people told me she had what my Dad would have called "a snowballs' chance" referring to just how long a snowball might survive in hell. I just wanted the Old White Guys to be aware that they did not have a mandate from the starting gate, that there are people who want change. I was thinking about this country, how we puff our chests out and claim to be the leader of the Free World, and yet, we cannot elect a woman and a person of color has an uphill climb. There are probably STILL people who believe all the crap that trump and his people slung and still sling at Barrack Obama. I vote every single time and proudly remember the women of my grandmother's generation who fought for the right to vote- some DIED, but they don't tell you THAT in the history books, women's suffrage and the fight for it is made to sound like a freaking TEA SOCIAL. I vote because they believed in ME. I honor them.
Just a final note, as the corona virus spreads or doesn't Keep calm and wash your hands. You should be doing it anyway.
A) I thought I should buy a few hand sanitizers. Ha ha ha, yeah, me and everybody else. I looked on Amazon - almost FIFTY BUCKS for a package of 2. Goudge much? Luckily, I have a few put away in the earthquake emergency kit. Well, I guess that emergency is now. But I am washing my hands a lot more. Especially dealing with the public - at Hollywood! Corona virus may be the least of my worries there.
ReplyDeleteVoting - I was LUCKY in that my voting center didn't have issues, and the poll workers there were SO KIND and FRIENDLY and HELPFUL and PATIENT! I admit, it took a while for me to get the hang of it, but once I did, I loved it. I want to vote some more. And, naturally, my top choices are out - dropped out. I refuse to be one of those people who say, "Oh, Pete neevr had a chance." Yeah, with that attitude, he didn't. But he did pretty damned good, and I hope we have not seen the last of him yet. As people said, he was often the adult in the room. Well, on to November. We'll see. Sigh.
Wash your hands, and if you are sick, this from the mayor, my bishop (!) and almost everyone - stay home (Robyn!)