The longest five minutes of my morning are those between when I press the button that says "brew" and the time the machine makes that noise that says it's finished. I sit at my computer, or putter around tidying up a bit, waiting. I can't start my breathing treatment until I have coffee ( well i CAN, I'm just a little anal about the order in which I drink my bean juice THEN do the breathing thing). The first sip of steaming energy never fails to make me say "AH" sometimes the second one. I love my Sumatra and I would be hard pressed to give up the one remaining vice- ok I still have a glass of wine or whiskey now and then but coffee is my daily ritual. My doctor has not YET said I have to give it up and I am thankful.
Yesterday was a bad day and I had a flare of the PH thing. Chest pains were worse than they had been in a long time. Usually I can get things to settle down but not yesterday. I did everything I am supposed to do , but it took a LONG time to be where I could drive home. UGH. I did not go to the Union meeting. I don't think I could have made it through. Came home, relaxed a bit and decided, what to do about Chris' car. It had really reached the end of its' life. Good solution, ultimately, for all concerned, just more money every month. It is what it is.
I need a better night's sleep than I am getting, That would help. Soon.
I talked to my Bob. He told he "I love you and I miss you , Gogo" My heart melted. Nothing like that little boy. His brother will probably be much the same. BOTH of them are outrageous flirts. My daughter is going to have her hands full with those two.
Enjoy your Friday! Tomorrow is going to be a busy day. Good thing it's an "extra" one!
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