Thursday, February 20, 2020

inwhich I get political

"Inwhich" was the name of Norman Bel Geddes  magazine BTW so the title to this piece is a reference to that.

I tried to watch last night's debate.   I have already pretty much made my mind up about who I will be voting for in the Primaries.

I also know I am going to vote for WHOEVER gets the Democratic nomination.

If you are voting- and if you are NOT You should tell me so I can YELL at you!- Please consider the following things:

Don't be a :Single issue voter.  Life is not limited to one issue.  Go with the person who best addresses that single issue if you must, but look at ALL the issues and try to imagine that person in the Oval Office.

Four more years of Trump, his mind deteriorating before our eyes and the level of his dictator-like behavior TERRIFIES me.

If you are a Republican, how do you justify what he is doing to the environment, to people in cages, to the judicial system, to everything he touches.   He runs it like he ran HIS businesses.  RIGHT into the ground.

There.  I said it.

Now last night's debate just gave me a headache.  I actually posted  " STOP picking on each other!  tell me what your plan is and why YOU can win"  Sheesh. 

When I was in elementary school, we had a teacher who was BIG on debates.  We would have them all the time.  Given a topic to research and to debate with each other in a formal setting.  There were RULES.  No talking over one another. and strangely, no insults or name calling.  No shouting.  I wonder what Mr. Plotkin would have said about last night.

The moderators were no better.  Talking over the answers. Constantly interrupting.

Someone needed a Referee shirt and a whistle last night. 

The Democrats have to stop behaving like Trump and start being the Adults in the room.  I know it is easier to snark at one another, to have a soundbite that can be replayed. That is what the Millennials seem to want.  Little  bits of information to digest. 

But we need to do better, we need to BE better.  We need intelligent, rational leadership.  We need someone who is not going to appoint people based solely on their support they have demonstrated.  We need SMART capable people to represent our Government out there in the world. We are NOT getting that with Trump and his administration and the lapdogs around him are just saying"yes yes" to everything he says. 

Frankly, I hope someone in the Republican Party steps up to stop this before we have another rise of the Third Reich.   We need both Conservative and Liberal voices to make this Country work, but the fear-mongering that is going on is polarizing our Nation to such a degree that a coming together of minds to solve a problem is becoming more and more impossible.

1 comment:

  1. My BFF called and said if you are not watching the debates, you need to, because they are just going at each other I turned it on, and they were. Disgusting. I was horrified, not least because this is just what the republicans want us to do - fall apart within ourselves. I know who for whom I am voting on March 3, but worse, now I can see who I cannot vote for, at at least three of them were people I liked previously, even sent money to one, but alas, no longer. I will name no names, because we know who behaved badly. But, come on, people, pull it together! It is NOT about YOU. I hope they learned from Wednesday evening, because the media pretty much called them out on it. And the moderators, who one commentator said had lost ll control. A SAD spectacle.


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