Wednesday, February 12, 2020

A friend in need

Yesterday, I was talking with my neighbor, who remarked on how lucky he was to have friends who would step in to help when he needed it.  He said " of course I help them when they need it, so it goes both ways"  I nodded.  Isn't that what friendship is?  A give and take whether of your time or something to share?

It got me thinking about the saying " A friend in need is a friend indeed"  I always thought that could be taken two ways.

one- the obvious, a friend to you in your time of need is  truly a friend.
two- someone who needs something from you will be all over you trying to BE your friend until they get it.

Haven't we all had THAT "friend"   the one who needs you to do something and pretends to be your new bestie, until you do or give that thing and then they are like Jeannie in "I dream of Jeannie" off in a puff of pink smoke.

This morning, I am counting my blessings, thankful that my friends are more of the first type.

I hope I am too.

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