Friday, February 7, 2020

A day off

I am off work every other Friday, due to a cool schedule where I work 80 hours in a two week period.  It works, but I find myself trying to cram in a whole bunch of chores on my day off, instead of using it for relaxation.

I blame my mother's Protestant work ethic.

I made a list of things to do today and so far have done ONE of them.  I tend to add things like "take A nap" or "eat lunch" because hey I have to cross SOMETHING off the list, right?

Still today's list sits at my right elbow, chiding me.  Sometimes I just can't get started and watching BAD reality television and sleeping, but I really HAVE to do some of the things on the list.

Laundry , apparently does NOT do itself and food does not magically become a meal.

I am still trying to write something every day, in hopes that  I can get away from "journaling" and onto more thoughtful, complete articles or opinion pieces, rather than a trip into the rambling attic of my brain,  Every day it gets easier or harder, depending on the quality of sleep and the levels of stress that stretch before me during the day. 

Today, I am going to try to do FIVE things on this list.  I have a project I need to get out, paperwork I need to send off, and a few odds and ends .  Hopefully, the nap I have in the middle of the list will also be productive and I can get through the day.

Wish  me LUCK!


  1. I am sitting here with MY to-do list, also five items, - oh, wait,, I forgot lunch and nap! So far, I have done ONE - thrown a load of laundry into the machine. Some of the others are so easy, one is one of those annoying ones where we have to look for the paperwork, and then make a call......................oh, wait, I feel fetter already - apparently I DID put down lunch as one the errands. Now,I must add nap...........
    I have done something I almost never ever do (in fact, this may be one of the only two times in 10 years!) I cancelled two weeks of sub time. The doctor said not to go to work after a minor (always minor whenit is not HIS leg!) procedure, and I am actually finding the enforced "lolling" hard to do - because he means NOTHINGS - no long walks (no short walks) no church, nothing! I can walk around the house, but no gardening, and am allowed to go to other appointments, and MAYBE the grocery store. BAH! Robyn, take my advice, too, and relax! You will feel better!

  2. oh the list had ELEVEN things on it, so far, six are done. Now for that NAP!


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