Saturday, February 15, 2020


It's a beautiful day.  I am heading out in a few to meet a friend for lunch .  It's a long weekend and I want to do... something

But what?

Do you ever have so much to do that you wind up doing nothing?  Happens to me all the time.  I make these ambitious  "to do " lists in a vain hope to tackle something and NOTHING gets done, which is why I often add "eat lunch" or "take a nap" so that I can cross something off.

I am looking at hobbies I might take up in the near future.  Another friend of mine observed that hobbies tend to take up all your spare time and spare money if you do them correctly.  I see people whose hobbies become a second source of income, but as my hobbies are writing this blog and eating I doubt my income stream will increase any time in the foreseeable future.


I want to go out in the late Winter sunshine and enjoy the fact that I live in Southern California.  It's Saturday.  That should be enough.

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